Battle Concludes

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Ramona and Shuri ran down to where Nakia was, "Nakia!" Shuri shouted sliding down beside her friend. Ramona was running behind her with her tongue out trying to give Nakia love, the woman pushed the bloody dog away from her, "No Ramona that's nasty." Nakia said with disgust. Ramona huffed as she stood with the ladies, "Are you ok?" Shuri asked after she got done laughing at the dog, Nakia grunted, "Yes i'm fine. Lets finish the fight." Nakia then stood up taking a deep breath ignoring the pain like a champ. Ramona huffed out air getting her second wind she followed the ladies for a distance then separated from them charging ahead biting down on W'Kabi men that was in her way. "Wow she's fast." Shuri said as she then part take in the fight. Out of no where they were surrounded by the Border Tribe shields, Ramona was walking the perimeter growling at the men, she could take them out if she wanted to but she was loyal to her current handler. "Drop your weapons. You have till the count of three!" W'Kabi commanded from his rhino. Okoye looked at him in disbelief, W'Kabi began to count, Ramona was about to charge at the weakest man who was looking at her with fear, when she heard the familiar chants of the Jabari Tribe echoing around them.

M'Baku came from behind the weak man grabbing him by his collar, Ramona followed her victim disappointed she didn't act sooner seeing the mighty man. "Witness the might of the Jabari firsthand!" M'Baku shouted to the battlefield. Nakia let out a grateful sigh and smile as Ramona barked scaring the men around them, M'Baku threw the man away like he was an annoying banana pile. More of the Jabari tribe came flooding in knocking the men down one by one, everyone got their second wind, Ramona followed between Okoye and Shuri as they fought off the Border Tribe men. M'Baku was side by side with Ramona as they took on men with ease, Ramona took down one final men as did M'Baku. He turned to the dog, giving her a nod of approval, "You're not so bad, for an American." M'Baku said, Ramona growled at him causing him to hold up his hands, both heard thunder approaching them. Ramona and M'Baku looked at the large charging animal with fear, Ramona stood in front of M'Baku showing her teeth growling at the animal when Okoye saved them both. The rhino stopped charging on the dime, giving Okoye a good kiss on the cheek. M'Baku took that time to help the fight. Ramona stayed put with Okoye, the rhino sniffed at the dog then grunt a greeting, Ramona barked lowly back at her young friend.

W'Kabi looked at his rhino with disbelief, "Of course, you always was her favorite." W'Kabi mumbled as he hopped off his beast. Okoye glared at him with disappointment, W'Kabi grabbed his weapon when Okoye commanded, "Drop your weapon." W'Kabi gave her a look, "Would you kill me, my love?" Okoye then took her stance, "For Wakanda. Without question." Okoye said hoping he wouldn't give her that option.Ramona and the rhino stood behind their handler waiting for their command. W'Kabi looked to his love and the dog, he then looked around him as his friends and love ones was battling against one another, he couldn't fight against his love no matter how much he wanted to change things for what he thought was for the better. W'Kabi dropped his weapon kneeling to his love, causing the rest of his men to kneel to their friends, Okoye smiled at him dropping her weapon then hugging him with all her might. W'Kabi returned the hug, "I only kneeled because I don't want Ramona to bite me. You saw Erik arm" W'Kabi joked. Okoye laugh then pulled away, "You're smart." Okoye said. Ramona sat down happy that the battle was over, the rhino walked over to her grabbing her pointed ear sucking on it causing the ear to get drool all over it. Ramona shook her ear out of his mouth and snapped at him, to back off.

T'Challa was continuing battling with his cousin, Erik had the dagger pointed to T'Challa throat ready to end it all, "This is it for you cousin." Erik smugly said, T'Challa had one more ace up his sleeves, he pushed Erik away from him throwing up the dagger, while Erik stumbled about to catch his balance T'Challa caught the fallen dagger striking it into Erik chest. Erik was caught off guard looking down at the dagger empress, "Hell of a move." Erik grunt, surprisingly feeling proud of his cousin. T'Challa stared at him, surprise to see him still alive, Erik then looked around remembering what his father told him as a kid,"My pop said Wakanda was the most beautiful thing he ever seen." Erik took another deep painful breath, "He said it had beautiful sunsets and that he would show me some day." Erik turned to his cousin chuckling, "Can you believe that?" Erik asked the pain was getting worst almost unbearable. T'Challa looked to his cousin deciding to give him what his uncle promised him as a final gift, T'Challa grab Erik under his arms holding him up as he walked out to the edge where the sunset view was the most beautiful.

T'Challa put Erik down showing Erik Wakanda beautiful sunset his father promised to show him. Erik was breathless seeing the sight like no other, "It's beautiful." Erik complimented. T'Challa looked to his cousin then bend down to talk with him, "We can fix you up." T'Challa said looking at the wound then back at his only link to his uncle. Erik looked to T'Challa, "Why so you can lock me up." Erik went back to look at the sunset, feeling like his father was holding onto him in his warm embrace that he miss so much, "Naw. Just bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships. They knew death was better than bondage." Erik said his final wish to his remaining family then he pulled the dagger out ready to join his father. T'Challa looked at this cousin body as it feel, he sigh picking him up to place him where he wish to rest.

Ramona was walking ahead of T'Challa and Nakia in the market place. It's been a month since the fight and things were beginning to get back in order, T'Challa whistled to Ramona to come closer to them as she was beginning to wonder off. Ramona ran over climbing up the stairs tail wagging, Okoye made her an honorary Dora dog tag in thanks for helping the battle, the Elders respected the dog more then ever seeing her strength in battle and for her bravery. W'Kabi tried to have T'Challa to convince Bucky to allow her to join his Border Tribe, of course the King declined strongly much to everyone disappointment. Ramona nudge T'Challa hand asking for love, the King granted her wish scratching her behind her floppy ear, Nakia joined the love feast rubbing Ramona back. "Thank you." T'Challa said to Nakia staring up at her with love, Nakia looked to him in confusion as to what he could be thanking her for. "You saved me." T'Challa said smiling at his lady love. Nakia felt her cheeks go warm, Ramona was watching the two of them with her tongue out, "You've saved my family." T'Challa said moving closer to Nakia pushing Ramona out the way. Ramona gave him a grumble as he took her place, "There's nothing to thank me for. It is our duty to" Nakia paused thinking over her words, "It was my duty to fight for what I love." Nakia then went on to ramble when T'Challa decided to show her how much he was thankful for her with a kiss. Ramona closed her mouth, her upper lip getting caught between her fang, she tilted her head at the exchanges, T'Challa pulled away with a smile, "You can't blame I did almost die-" T'Challa started before Nakia shut him up, not wanting to think about that.

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