The Rescue Mission

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T'Challa, Okoye, and Ramona was all in the jet heading to Nigeria, Nakia was on a mission to investigate human trafficking in the area. Shadow was enjoying the ride, much better then the last time she was flying, Okoye put in a bed for her. The Warrior liked the big beast, even if she try not to show it. Ramona was next to Okoye with her head on her lap wanting love, Okoye ignored her focusing on finding Nakia in the dense forest. T'Challa was watching the news report about his father death and his home country, T'Challa watched with a heavy heart as his father picture was shown on the screen. Ramona lifted her head up, sensing that T'Challa was feeling down, she walked over to him nudging his arm with a whine. T'Challa snapped out of his stupa grinning at her, "I'm ok smart girl." T'Challa said rubbing Ramona head gently, "My Prince, coming up on them now." Okoye said. T'Challa looked over their advance mapping system seeing Nakia in a moving vehicle. Okoye went to pick up her spear when T'Challa interrupted her, "Don't worry Okoye I got this." T'Challa said still looking at Nakia modeled form, Okoye bucked her eyes making a not so sure sound. Ramona tilted her head at the noise with curiosity, then started looking over at T'Challa when Okoye walked over to him,"I will get Nakia out as quickly as possible.You and Ramona stay on the air craft until we come back." T'Challa reassured. "Just don't freeze when you see her." Okoye said with a smile and seriousness. Ramona whined at the right time, making it seem like she understood what the problem was.

T'Challa looked at both ladies, "What is with you two, I never freeze." T'Challa said feeling like he was being double team. Okoye and Ramona shared a look with one another, when the Prince exited out the air carrier to rescue his lady love. "He's going to freeze, come on girl." Okoye said grabbing her spear exiting the air carrier with grace along with Ramona who wasn't as graceful. The ladies landed on the ground, then silently followed the Wakanda Prince, Ramona was use to going on small missions such as this. The years and her training during WWII made her perfect for this, which was why T'Challa and the Dora Milaje leader never minded her to come along. Having something that can smell, hear, and see better then most was always a plus, another was Captain America and an ex-Hydra assassin backing the dog made it hard for the Elders to argue. Okoye and Ramona could hear the commotion happening when T'Challa attacked the traffickers. Okoye stayed back knowing that her Prince was going to freeze when he see his lady love, he didn't disappoint, Ramona came from the bushes attacking the traffickers by biting his arm, Okoye came to finish the job. The woman that was kidnapped ran from fear back to her family who was all getting out from behind the truck. "You froze." Okoye said walking over to her Prince, "Uh" T'Challa said smartly. Ramona saw another dog walking up to her wagging it's tail in a friendly gesture, Ramona bared her teeth at it then charged at the dog stopping immediately when the mutt began to run. Okoye and T'Challa looked at Ramona, "I see she's just like her owner, antisocial." Okoye said as she went to help Nakia with the kidnap women.

Ramona looked to the Black Panther then walked over to the women. The women were very grateful to be saved by the remarkable trio, Ramona tried to get love from them, but the women was afraid of her. Nakia grab Ramona collar stopping her from scaring the women, Okoye walked in front of the women stomping her spear on the ground, "You will not speak of this." Okoye commanded. The women nod their heads, Okoye gave them a smile as everyone went back on the carrier. Okoye took her seat in the pilot chair to take everyone back to Wakanda. T'Challa and Nakia sat next to each other as T'Challa explained everything to Nakia about what happened in Washington. Ramona was looking out the window as she laid in her bed, the ride was quiet apart from T'Challa and Nakia conversation. Ramona then heard a clicking sound, as Nakia called her over, Ramona stood up wagging her tail as she made her way to Nakia. "Hey girl, I miss you too." Nakia said as she was giving Ramona love that the other two was neglecting. "I'm happy you brought her, I haven't seen her in months."Nakia said as she was petting Ramona. "I didn't know you were a dog person." T'Challa said with a loving smile watching Nakia have such joy. "I am not, I am a Ramona lover." Nakia said as she gave Ramona a final hug.

Ramona let out a whine when Nakia went back to giving T'Challa all of her attention. Ramona walked over to Okuye as Wakanda was getting closer, "Sister Nakia, My Prince. We are home." Okoye said with a smile, Ramona started wagging her tail, she was getting closer to Bucky, she can sense it. T'Challa and Nakia walked to the front joining Okoye and Ramona as everyone watched the scenery. Ramona was barking at the people and the animals below as they flew by,"This never gets old." T'Challa said as he pet Ramona on her head, the false outer layer of Wakanda disappeared as they entered the real Wakanda. Okuye landed the aircraft in front of the Royal Family. T'Challa exited out the craft first seeing his mother and sister waiting for him, Ramona ran out after, shaking her fur followed by Nakia and Okoye. "Queen mother, Priencess. My comfort for you lose." Nakia said as she bowed to the two women. "Thank you Nakia, it's so good to have you with us." Ramonda said with a smile. Shuri smiled at her as Ramona walked over to her wagging her tail and tongue out her mouth. Shuri smiled at the her crouching down taking off the little device she put on her before she left. 

Okoye ordered for Nakia to be taken so she can get ready for the ceremony. While Nakia was walking away T'Challa couldn't take his eyes off of her, Ramona nudge his hand causing him to jump from the sudden action. Ramonda and Shuri laughed at him, "Did he freeze?" Shuri asked with a knowing grin, T'Challa glared at his younger sister then at his warrior, "Like an antelope in head lights." Okuye instigated with a teasing smile to the Princess. Shuri laughed as Okoye gave her a not so sneaky wink, "Are we finished?" T'Challa asked tired of them teasing him for the last time. Ramona groaned joining in on the teasing, T'Challa gave her a look wishing at that moment that the dog was the one frozen.

"I'm surprise that my little sister came all this way just to see me before my big day." T'Challa teased. "You wish, i'm here for the Ramona data, and the EMP beads. I have an update for them." Shuri shoot back taking the beads from her older brother. "They worked just fine Shuri." T'Challa tried to argue. Shuri chastised him for being foolish on not understanding that certain things do require updated features. T'Challa handed Shuri the beads, "I can't wait to see what type of update you develop with your ceremony outfit!" T'Challa hollered. Shuri flipped him the bird, "Shuri!" Ramonda shouted over her shoulder without looking at her daughter, "Sorry mother! Come on Ramona!" Shuri commanded, as she ran away feeling embarrass at getting caught by her mother. Ramona barked as she ran behind the princess in excitement. Shuri was studying the data that Ramona brought back, she didn't get anything because Ramona didn't use to much of her strength. The only data she got was the amount of strength she used getting out of the carrier with Okoye. Shuri still wrote down everything in Ramona data base, for records. Shuri twirled her chair around thinking that Ramona was on her bed in the lab. Shuri looked around then made her way to where Bucky was being held.

Ramona was there laying down in front of where his pod was being stored. Shuri leaned against the door frame giving the dog a small smile. "You really love him don't you girl?" Shuri asked as she sat next to Ramona rubbing her head. Ramona huffed air at the Princess, Shuri smiled at her then looked to where Bucky was stored. "Hopefully soon those words will be no more. We are getting close, it's just going to take some time. Then he will out with you again." Shuri tried to reassure Ramona. Ramona let out a yawn placing her head back on her paws closing her eyes as Shuri was scratching behind her mix-matched ears. "You are a good dog Ramona. Sgt. Barnes is lucky to have you." Shuri said with a smile. Shuri enjoyed the stories that Steve and Bucky told her about Ramona. Bucky would tell her about how when he first saw Ramona, she was very tiny and skinny. He got her back to full health and it was like she never stopped growing, Shuri couldn't imagine Ramona being so small that she fit in the palm of his hand looking at her now, he then told her about some of the times during the war. The parts that he can remember, Steve helped fill in some of the blinks keeping out the obvious. Shuri could listen to their stories for hours if it wasn't for her brother. Ramona was a remarkable dog and solider, just like Captain Rogers and Sgt. Barnes, Shuri wished she could go into Ramona mind just to see the world through her eyes and the history that this dog seen and know first hand. Shuri gave Ramona another pat on the head, "Don't worry girl. Sgt. Barnes will be good as new before you know it." Shuri said giving Ramona a smile leaning her head on the dog head with a promise that she will make Sgt. Barnes good as new the best she can.

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