Failed Mission

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Shuri packed everything Ramona would need for her time in Busan, South Korea. "You be careful out there girl. Don't get killed, I don't want to be the one to explain to Sgt. Barnes when he wake up why his dog is dead." Shuri said. Ramona was to busy eating her food to pay attention to what the princess was saying to her. Shuri then picked up a gadget clipping it on Ramona collar, "This will help from keeping bullets from penetrating you." Shuri said to Ramona knowing that the dog isn't really understanding what she was saying but a girl like to brag about her new toys. She already went over everything with T'Challa so she didn't have to worry about Ramona. Ramona lifted her head from her food licking her lips then went back to eating, Shuri smiled at the goofy dog petting her along her back, "You're a good girl." Shuri said standing back up gathering up Ramona small bag. "Come on girl, time for you mission. We have to prove that even you can be on time more so then my brotha." Shuri said walking out the room to where Okoye and Nakia was waiting for everyone. Ramona walked after Shuri licking her lips feeling good from eating, the flight would be a long one, Shuri made sure to pack Ramona favorite toys for the journey.

T'Challa and his team landed in Busan, they got ready in one of their hotels for the big night. Okoye wasn't to happy with having to wear a wig for her undercover look. Ramona wasn't to happy with getting brushed by Nakia to look like a well polish expensive guard dog rather then a wild animal. "Hold still girl, a brush isn't that bad." Nakia said with laughter as Ramona was grumbling every time the brush passed through her fur. "I don't blame her. I hate wearing this thing." Okoye complained as she moved her wig out of her face. Nakia rolled her eyes at the tomboy ladies, "You two are unbelievable." Nakia said finishing brushing Ramona, "Come, T'Challa is calling us." Nakia said clamping a leash on Ramona walking out the door to meet their new King. T'Challa smiled at the ladies, "You all look very beautiful." T'Challa said eyeing his lady love. Okoye smiled at him in gratitude, along with Nakia, "Thank you my King." Okoye said placing her spear inside her purse. T'Challa held out his arm for Nakia to hold, "Shall we?" T'Challa asked. Ramona walked beside Nakia, T'Challa thought it would be a good idea for her to hold Ramona, seeing that a woman would make more sense to have a guard dog with them.

The car ride was quiet as the group went over the plan once again for taking out Klaue. Ramona was sitting beside Nakia in the front seat as T'Challa and Okoye sat in the back, to the underground casino "How does she get shoot gun and i'm stuck back here?" Okoye asked light heartedly smiling at Ramona who had her nose pressed against the window. Nakia smiled at the dog petting her on the back, "Because she's the best copilot." Nakia answered back causing everyone to laugh. The group pulled up seeing a woman outside a fish market. Nakia greeted the woman who was in charge of the entrance with a smile, the woman then argue about Nakia causing trouble every time she arrive, but smiled at the woman allowing everyone entry into the casino.

Nakia held onto Ramona leash commanding her to 'heel'. She took T'Challa arm once again as they entered the casino where Klaue was meeting his client. Ramona was sniffing around the area looking around her taking in everyone in sight, the guards looked down at the animal as Nakia and T'Challa walked away looking like important people. "Spread out, the buyer is most likely here." T'Challa commanded. Okoye walked her way to scoop the area, while T'Challa and Nakia took the room below. "The woman outside. What trouble was she referring to?" T'Challa asked with a knowing smile, Nakia bashfully answered, "I got into a disagreement with some ivory traders. Made a bit of a mess." Nakia smirking at he King, T'Challa sharing the smile knowing his lady love. Ramona eyeing everyone around her she was trained to keep her handler safe and to be aware of everything that was happening, "Well there be any trouble tonight for us?" T'Challa asked smiling loving at Nakia. "It depends, on how quickly we finish the mission." Nakia answered with seriousness, smiling at T'Challa flirting. "Can we please focus. Thank you." Okoye asked over the communication beads seeing her King becoming distracted.

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