The King Returns

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M'Baku lead the group through the mountains to where their healers was located. Shuri held on to Ramona collar as the dog keep trying to go at M'Baku, the gorilla King wasn't helping the situation he keep messing with the large by making kissing sounds and getting to close to the ladies. Ramona walked calmly with the former Princess but keeping her nose to M'Baku, everyone started to see the healers working on a person, Nakia and Ramonda was the first to let out a huge gasp. "Impossible!" Nakia and Ramonda said at the same time, the ladies running kneeling down beside T'Challa body, Shuri let go of Ramona collar joining her mother and friend next to her brother. "Why is he in the snow?" Shuri asked, "It's the only thing keeping him from joining the ancestors." M'Baku simply answered as if it was obvious, considering that the King was in a coma. Ramona went around the ladies licking T'Challa  between his eyes, Ross grabbed her moving her out the way. Ramona looked at the man, then she snapped at him, forcing him to let go of her. M'Baku let out a light laugh, "We need to get him to my lab. I can heal him there." Shuri said in a panic, "Move him and he is as good as dead." M'Baku told her looking to his underlings with irritation. "Nakia the Herb" Ramonda asked, Nakia gave her the Herb to mix the potion to help T'Challa.

Ramonda called upon the ancestors for help and to help guide T'Challa back, M'Baku turned his back giving them privacy, Ross seen the King looking at him as he too turned to give them the privacy they needed. Ramona was feeling once again that they weren't alone, she let out a whine throwing her mix-match ears against her head, Shuri put her hand on her back as she joined her mother and Nakia on praising their ancestors. T'Challa finally woke up taking a deep breath looking around him, Ramona rushed to him wagging her tail giving him love, T'Challa smiled at his family and at the dog, "Can I get a Blanket." T'Challa asked smiling rubbing Ramona head and looking to his family and newly friend. 

The following morning everyone regrouped to talk about how to deal with Killmonger. "Killmonger has the full support of our military. He also burned the garden of the Heart Herb." Nakia said with a heavy heart as she explain everything that T'Challa missed. Ramona was between his legs as the King was petting her mindlessly listening to what Nakia and Ross was telling him about Erik. T'Challa stood up causing Ramona to huff at losing the attention, "We must get them out of Wakanda safely." T'Challa told Nakia, his family wasn't having it, "What!" Shuri shouted at her older brother, "T'Challa, we are not leaving Wakanda." Ramonda firmly told him, "Even if we leave, Erik will send our weapons all over the world, then no where will be safe." Shuri then got up showing everyone that she still have his necklace that hold the Black Panther suit. T'Challa gained thankfully at this sister, Shuri stepped up placing it around his neck. "The Black Panther live on, and I want to be right beside him to help." Shuri declared, Ramona barked placing her paw on T'Challa arm while whining, Nakia smiled at the dog joining in with helping saving their country. "I'm in too." Ross said, everyone looked at the American with confusion, Ross shrugged his shoulders, "You need all the help you can get. Pickings are slim." Ross said smiling at the Royal family. The beautiful moment was ruined thanks to M'Baku yawning obnoxiously loud, "Are you done? Really are you finish?" M'Baku asked ready for the cute moment to end in his presence.

Ramona growled at the King, T'Challa flicked her floppy ear as he walked pass, "I want to thank you." T'Challa started as he asked for privacy so he and the Gorilla King can speak. "I owe you a great debt, a life for a life." M'Baku simply waved off his thanks, "Will you please allow my mother to stay here." T'Challa asked, M'Baku gave him a look as if that question was unnessosary, "No harm will come to her, I give you my word." M'Baku said placing his hand over his heart to show T'Challa he was serious. "We can really use your help." T'Challa asked walking closer to M'Baku, "I bet you could, but no." M'Baku firmly declined. T'Challa look down to Ramona who haven't left his side as she was staring at M'Baku, T'Challa would say glare if dogs can actually do that kind of thing. He then looked to M'Baku with confusion, "I will give no Jabari lives towards your cause." M'Baku started only to be intruppted by T'Challa, "It is our cause, it's for all of us." T'Challa said. "Us! what is Us?! You are the first king to come here in centuries, and now you speak of us?" M'Baku asked stepping closer to T'Challa, Ramona moved to be between both Kings looking at the larger King. "I can't speak for past Kings. An enemy sits on that throne right now. We both know how powerful Vibranium is it can't be let out of Wakanda." T'Challa was trying to bargain with M'Baku. The Gorilla King wasn't having it, he looked down at T'Challa then walked back to his throne, "We will not help you." was the final say M'Baku gave to T'Challa. T'Challa knew defeat when he sees it, he nod at M'Baku brushing his fingers against Ramona head gesturing her to come. Ramona looked to the Gorilla King before she walked behind T'Challa.

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