New Beginnings

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W'Kabi was recovering from the battle, his wounds has healed but his body was still sore from the event. "How are you feeling my love?" Okoye asked with a smirk, knowing already how the man was feeling. W'Kabi opened one of his eyes from where he was relaxing against the tree than closed it back ignoring the woman. Okoye giggled as she sat next to him enjoying the scenery, "You know, I always heard that dog was strong. I never imagine that she was that strong." W'Kabi smirked as he was rubbing his lower back, Okoye smiled at him, "Yes, she is something you want on your side. You do deserve it though." Okoye said closing her own eyes. W'Kabi let out a sigh agreeing with her, he put his arm around his warrior pulling her against his side, "At least I just got her strength, she pretty much destroyed half of my men. Some of them will take time to recover, did you know she can break bones? What type of domestic dog can do that." W'Kabi whined as he remember some of his men having broken arms and wrist thanks to Ramona bitting them during the battle. Okoye looked at her love, "The King did say she broke through his suit back in America, I can only imagine how flesh will go up against  her bite." Okoye said nipping W'Kabi to prove her point. W'Kabi laugh at her silliness pushing her away, "Ok, I get it, I get it." W'Kabi said laughing. "I's weird seeing her be so gentle and playful normally. When she's in battle it's like she's a different animal, I know Sargent Barnes and Captain Rogers told us about her. Seeing it first hand is something of amazement." W'Kabi said as he absentmindedly started out in front of him remembering how Ramona looked when he became her enemy. Okoye sat up reaching her hand out to him, W'Kabi took her hand allowing her to help him up. "I think we all learned an important lesson. Don't make the American dog your enemy." Okoye smiled as she gave her love a gentle kiss, "Come, let's check up on my rhino. I owe him a juicy apple." Okoye walked away holding W'Kabi hand who was glaring at her, "I can't believe him either. These animals are going to go against us, just you watch." W'Kabi joked.

Ramona was walking along with her tongue hanging out, wagging her tail just enjoying herself, she then heard argument coming from Shuri lab. Ramona ran with her tail still wagging hearing a voice she hasn't heard in what felt like a long time, "What do you mean she got hurt? When was this? Didn't I tell you to take care of not get her injured?" Bucky argued with the King and Princess who gave him sheepish looks, "Sargent Barnes, it was just a sprang paw, she was fine within a day or so." Shuri said as she examined him trying to keep busy. "I told my brother not to take her." Shuri said earning a glare from T'Challa. Bucky knew both was in on his dog getting hurt, "What else did I miss?" Bucky asked fearing what was going to come from that question. T'Challa and Shuri looked at each other, Bucky looked between the two siblings, "What?" Bucky gave them both an evil eye "Sargent Barnes, I just wanted to say that Ramona is an extraordinary animal. You are very lucky to have her." T'Challa began giving the man a smile, Bucky nod his head already knowing that he have the best dog in the world, "Yes." Bucky simply said wishing that the King would get on with it. "We did take her out on a few missions. Noting serious!" T'Challa quickly said as Bucky continue to glare at him, "She was very helpful. She proved to be an amazing War Dog, The Elders are beginning to warm up to her, slowly but very accepting." T'Challa said with a smile, causing Bucky to smile in pride at hearing praises about his little girl. "That's nice to hear, i'm glade she wasn't too much trouble." Bucky then heard the familiar paw steps running over to them, Shuri step back seeing the large dog hop on her owner. Bucky laugh rubbing Ramona body as she whined in excitement while wagging her tail like a crazy animal. "Hi little girl, I miss you too." Bucky said in between the love Ramona was giving him. The Royal siblings looked on with a smile at the usual reunion that happen when ever Bucky was out of Cybro, "Sargent Barnes, I believe we made much improvement, it would be safe for you to be out and about now." Shuri said as she was putting in his data in her database in case of back sliding.

Bucky smiled at the Princess as he kept Ramona head away from his face with his hand, "Thank you, both of you, for everything." Bucky simply said, T'Challa waved his hand in dismissive, "No need for thanks Sgt. Barnes, I owe you this after everything i've cost you and Captain Rogers." T'Challa gave the ex-assissan a smile, Ramona  laid her head on Bucky lap as he was giving her all the love in the world, "Plus having Ramona with us during our time of need is payment to me." Shuri decided to butt in giving Bucky a cheeky smile, T'Challa gave his little sister a look while Bucky gave both of them a death glare. "What do you mean, 'time of need?'" Bucky asked remembering that they were going to tell him something before Ramona came running in. Ramona got off of Bucky lap, walking over to retrieve her toys that Shuri made for her, T'Challa and Shuri filled Bucky in on everything, excluding the parts where Ramona was injured. Bucky wasn't surprise at what his dog could do, his dog was an amazing animal always have been. Hearing her part in their time of need made Bucky even more proud, all that training that him and Steve did with her during her puppyhood and the Military training that both he and she been through help mold her into this amazing Military Veteran Dog and pet. 'If only Shuri could find out what that damn vet did to her than I can have some closure.' Bucky solemnly thought just when Ramona dropped one of her many toys in his lap.

Bucky looked down at the slop covered toy then at his amazing dog, Ramona had her tongue hanging out looking down at the toy then whined when Bucky didn't play with her. Bucky tossed the toy lightly and a bit awkwardly, Ramona ran as if the toy was thrown by a rocket and never to be returned unless she hurry and capture it. "Shuri, if you don't mind me asking. Have you figured out what happen to Ramona?" Bucky asked as Ramona came running back shaking her head with the toy in her mouth, then she dropped the toy back in Bucky hand. Bucky tossed the toy again this time a bit farther, "Just a little Sgt. Barnes, I did find a small amount of Vibranium in her system. I have a suspension that the Vet was trying to see what Vibranium would do inside a body, human, animal I couldn't guest. It's a hypotheses that I have but it's hard to say." Shuri said as she looked at the giant dog act like a puppy when ever her owner was around. "Regardless, she's perfectly healthy. Her strength is obviously enhance, as well as her bite. Not much can get through the Black Panther suit, when I heard that she bit through Erik suit it shock me. That is why I hypothesis that she has some form of Vibranium in her system." Shuri concluded hopping that will ease Bucky.

Bucky nod his head, "Thank you. It helps that I know she isn't in pain." Bucky grab the toy that Ramona once again gave to him and kept it with him on the table not feeling like playing anymore. T'Challa watched as his sister was explaining what she think happened to Ramona all those years ago, "It would explain how she survived the plane crash with Captain Rogers." T'Challa said as Ramona went over to him with another toy of hers, trying her luck with him, T'Challa took the toy throwing it a longer distance. Ramona looked at him then at the flying toy, and ran after it down the hall, Bucky shook his head at his little girl. "That's true. I'm just happy she's here, it make everything so much easier having her and Steve here." Bucky said standing up from the table after Shuri received everything she needed. "Make yourself at home Sgt.Barnes, we have a room ready for you." Shuri said standing up from her seat stretching, Ramona finally made her way back to the lab dropping the toy at T'Challa feet. Bucky pat his leg for her to come to him, Ramona ran over sitting down beside him enjoying the head rub. "Thank you both for everything, I couldn't asked for more. If you don't mind I would like to live outdoors, it's been a while since I had peace." Bucky said with a hopeful smile. T'Challa smiled patting his shoulder, "Of course, we can arrange a hut for you. I'll ask W'Kabi is he can give you one, i'm sure with Ramona he will be an easy to pursue. T'Challa joked as Shuri laughed, Bucky joined in hearing that Ramona pretty much body slammed him thanks to the security cameras. "Thank you both once again for everything." Bucky said as he rub Ramona head smiling down at her, Ramona looking up at him with love.

Ramona and Bucky was enjoying the quiet time they had on the plains. Ramona was laying on his chest as he lazily rub her between her eyes and down her nose, he was thinking about his learning section with the Princess that he need to be meeting with in a few minutes. Ramona lift her head up hearing small foot steps approaching their hut, she wagged her tail seeing the children entering the hut. Bucky pretended to be sleep as he felt the children climb and pet Ramona who rolled over on her back to enjoy the belly rubs. The children moved on to the man that they called the 'White Wolf'. Bucky jumped up scaring the kids who ran out laughing, Ramona followed after them wagging her tail as the Princess came into view. "Are you messing with that man again?" Shuri asked the children's who was chanting 'White Wolf'. Bucky exited his hut smiling at the Princess, Ramona chased after the children as they began to run away. Bucky loved being in Wakanda, it was quiet with enough room for Ramona to run around in, T'Challa and Shuri agreed on training both Bucky and Ramona for life in Wakanda. Bucky decided that this would be close to home for them, it was the safest place for both of them. 

A/N: I just want to give HUGE Thanks to every single one of you. You all have made this so much fun write, I never thought in a million years that people would enjoy my crazy idea of a story. Thank you for your kind words and supports, I can't wait to see you all in the next saga. <3

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