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Ramona was hearing chaos going on outside the lab door, she stood up smelling the door seeing people running around speaking franticly. Ramona then spotted the man that she bit earlier walking with W'Kabi towards the lab, Ramona growled as they stopped by the door. "Ramona is in there." W'Kabi said hearing the dog growl behind the door, "So what we can take on some dog." Erik said, "Plus, I owe her for bitting me." Erik was about to opened the door, "Be careful according to T'Challa this isn't no ordinary dog." W'Kabi warned the new King. Erik gave him a smug look opening the door seeing the dog charge at him. Ramona charged at the new King going to bite him, Erik moved out the way just in time laughing. Ramona turned around growling showing her teeth at the men, she was confuse seeing W'Kabi lift his weapon to protect the strange man, "Easy girl, we just need the Black Panther suit." W'Kabi explained, Erik scoffed at him, "You people talk to animals now." Erik said, he then walked in the lab searching for the Black Panther Suit. Ramona charged once again only to be blocked by W'Kabi shield. Ramona jumped on top of the shelled barking like crazy, she was snapping and drooling on the shield. "Ramona calm down." W'Kabi said as he put all his strength into his shield. Ramona wasn't letting up, she continue to bark and growl using all her strength to back up W'Kabi, the man was shock that this dog was a lot stronger then he thought. Ramona got down off the sheild looking at W'Kabi then backed away, W'Kabi let out a sigh of relief then Ramona charged at him at that moment knocking him off his feet. Ramona used her momentum to run at Erik who put on the necklace just in time.

Ramona bit Erik arm causing the man to yell in pain and shock, "What the hell! how can she still hurt me!." Erik yelled as he began to hit the dog on her head to let go. Ramona shook her head ignoring the pain that Erik hit was causing, Erik let out another yell falling to his knees, he then kicked his leg out wrapping them around the animal tossing her aside forcing her to let go of his arm. Ramona and Erik quickly go up staring down at each other, "I guess the old King was right, you anit an ordinary dog. I'm no ordinary man now." Erik said activating his suit. Ramona wasn't deterred, she charged at him again, Erik tried to strike the dog but the dog was to fast and swift. Ramona used every experience she's gained over the years to her advantage, she grab Erik ankle pulling his leg from under him shaking her head with furiously. Erik kneeled down yelling in pain, then he grab the dog collar, "W'Kabi hurry up and get this damn dog!." Erik ordered pulling Ramona in a headlock. Ramona tried to go for his throat, but Erik put his hand over her mouth as W'Kabi grabbed her lower body. Both men had to use their strength to dragged the trashing dog to another room, they threw her in, W'Kabi closing the door as Ramona threw her body against the door causing some damage to occur much to W'Kabi surprise. Erik deactivated the suit breathing hard watching the growling dog, "Damn, ya'll had that the whole time." Erik said his breathing calming down. W'Kabi watched the dog, who finally calm down but continue to growl at them. "I told you, she's no ordinary dog." W'Kabi simply stated, this was the very first time he witness Ramona strength and viciousness first hand, hearing about it and experiencing it was something out of this world. How can a normally goofy, laid back dog transform into a beast, the switch was amazing. Erik then wipe his face feeling pain in his arm where the dog bite got threw the suit, "When this is over i'm killing her, or maybe train her to be by my side." Erik said as he gave the dog one last look then leaving the lab limping. W'Kabi looked to Ramona once more placing his hand on the glass door, "I'm sorry girl." W'Kabi said walking away feeling his back in pain from the tackle Ramona did to him. Ramona watched as the two men walked out, she then began to circle around the small room looking for a way out. 

Nakia made her way to Romanda and Ross, Shuri stood up with tears in her eyes, "Did you get Ramona?" Shuri asked looking around for the dog. Nakia shook her head, "No Princess, I tried to get her but Erik burned down the Heart Herb garden so I had to leave. I'm sorry." Nakia said bring her head down, Shuri cried harder making Romanda pull her daughter close to her in a motherly comfort. "It's ok child, Ramona will be ok. Shhh, shhhh there there." Romanda said to her daughter tighten her hug. Ross looked to the duo, "Trust me, i've learned from experience, that dog is smart. She will be fine, she won't go down easily, remember who her owner is." Ross said bring small comfort to the young girl that helped him in more ways then one. Shuri nod her head, "I just wish I didn't leave her in my lab." Shuri said wiping her tears away. Nakia placed her hand on the younger girl shoulder, "She will be ok Princess, but we need to go before they come looking for us." Nakia said leading the group to the one place where she hope they can help, and maybe defeat the new King.

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