The voice

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Hi loves! I edited this finally! I have been super stressed recently,and depression has hit me hard,sorry!

Kokichi's P.O.V
I opened my eyes to see water surrounding me. I tried to go up for air,but it was to far,I was chained to the bottom of the black bottomless ocean I heard a voice,a Satanic whisper.

"Just die already"
"He will never love you"
"Gay freak"

The voice was just repeating,over,and over again.Until finally I woke up,I got up, and I went to my bathroom. I undressed and looked in the mirror,to see that there were tear marks on my face. I must have been crying in my sleep again I thought to myself.
I hoped in the shower and turned on the water.the sensation of the hot,steamy water calmed me. I got out, wrapped a towel around my waist,and stared at my self in the mirror,emotionless. Sometimes I think the voice is saying the truth. I got dressed and left my room,to see everybody was already at breakfast. "Shit!!" I ran to the dining hall.

Hi loves! I know this really sucks😅but I just wanna day that I love you guys so much💗 and that you guys mean mean the world to me! If you are struggling with anything,depression,anxiety,stress,etc. I will listen,you can d/m me,I lovee you guys so much! And you guys are amazing!

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