chapter 12 - being rescued (Part 1)

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Roger could only feel pain as his shoulder ached from getting shot. He was shocked as he wasn't expecting to be found by Damien so soon. However, the joke was on him. Damien didn't bother to search for him as he had sent Alana to protect Pumpkin from the shadows. He was glad that Pumpkin was able to send him a text from another phone as he taught her how to respond to danger.

As he passed out from the pain, a very familiar voice entered his ears. "That bastard was asking for it," the voice responded as she hugged Pumpkin.

"You've came," she was relieved to see Alana as the young teenager put her gun away.

"I was coming regardless of him sending me or not," Alana tells Pumpkin, who smiled at her words. She knew that the girl was stubborn and she was grateful that the girl was very stubborn. It proved that it would save her if she ever got caught, but Pumpkin also knew that was insane for her to be stubborn all of the time. She then kicked Rogers unconscious body and she smirked as he didn't move, but she knew that he was in pain as she knew that she made her shot. She helped Pumpkin up and she smiled at her.

"I'm just glad you're safe," she tells Pumpkin, who giggled at Alana. Yeah, I did some crazy things. She thought as she stared at Roger's still limp body. Alana lifted Roger unto her back and she started to carry him. She turned back to Pumpkin.

"Come on, Mom, don't leave me hanging with him," Alana tells Pumpkin, who smiled at Alana. She wasn't going to leave Alana alone with psycho as she didn't want the girl to go back to jail.

"Don't worry, I won't. I can't have you going to jail on me," she tells Alana, who understood her mother's worry. She must have adopted me when she has first seen me. Alana thought. Alana carried the man who kidnapped her adopted mother when all she wanted to do was add more bullet holes and kill him deader than dead, but she didn't want to be separated from Pumpkin as Pumpkin was wanting to raise Alana for the rest of her teenage years. 

"I know, Mom. I don't want to go to jail either. Not after meeting you and Dad," Alana tells Pumpkin, who smiled at Alana. Pumpkin then paled in fear at Roger groaning in fear. Alana saw the fear and she laid down Roger to simply kick him in the shins, causing him to groan from more pain. 

"I'm sorry. I don't why I am scared so much," Pumpkin tells Alana, who nodded her head. She understood why Pumpkin was so scared. Pumpkin was kidnapped by the delusional man. "I still just can't believe it. I wasn't expecting this," she continued to speak while Alana listened. 

"I don't think anyone was expecting this to happen," Alana tells Pumpkin, who finally broke down in tears of fear. Alana could do nothing but hold her to comfort the woman she called her mother. I know Dad wasn't expecting Roger to be the one who was trying to kill him. What happened to his boss, though? She wondered. "Hey, Mom, what happened to Dad's boss?" Alana asked the forbidden question. 

Pumpkin jumped at the question. Her throat went dry all of the sudden as she remembered the events of what had happened recently. "I...I..." Pumpkin didn't know how to word what she had done. 

"Mom, what happened?" Alana asked gently to coax Pumpkin to talk to her. 

"I...I..." Pumpkin went through the memories as she remembered the man coming up to her. The steel ruler going into his throat. Pumpkin screamed and screamed. 

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