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"Hey look! A deer!" Syd said excitedly and ran towards a mother deer with her two babies in the woods, straying from the trail.

"Syd no you'll scare them away!" I said and hurried after him. But the three deer stayed put.

Syd gasped. "She's got baby deer!!" He said and pointed.

"Syd be quiet you don't want to scare them" I whispered.

"No no its fine see?" He said. He held out his hand and the mother deer walked over to him and sniffed his hand. "The wilderness trusts me" he said. "Here, take my hand. I'll tell it that it can trust you too" he said.

He took my hand and closed his eyes. He seemed to consentrate on his own mind for a while. Everything around us went dead silent except for the wind.

"Okay" he said. Just then, every single animal in the forest showed itself to us. Every rodent, snake, frog, bird, deer, all of them I looked around in amazement.

"Wow syd" I said. "I had no idea there were so many animals around"

"Now they no longer feel the need to hide from you" he said. He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "I love you, (yn)" he whispered. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I felt his fluffy soft angel hair on my face and neck. I put my arm around him and squeezed him a bit.

As we walked home with our arms around each other we heared a small puppy yipping from behind us. We let go of each other and turned around. I was a little terrier with brown fur and big shiny black eyes. I picked him up.

"(Yn) it's a puppy! Look how cutee!!" Syd said and reached for it. I let him hold it. Syd cradled it and stroked it's fur. "What's this? A phone number?" He said looking at the dog collar. "(Yn) we gotta call and tell them we have their dog they could be really really worried" he said. I agreed. I took my phone out and called it.

"They said they'll meet us at the park" I said when I was done on the phone.

"Well good thing we were just there" said syd. We walked back and sat on a bench next to the trail we were just walking on. Soon the owner came and thanked us and took back their puppy. When they were gone syd and I walked home hand on hand smelling flowers, talking and laughing with the occasional kiss.

fallen angel (syd barrett x reader)Where stories live. Discover now