No one can see me but you

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I ran down the woodsy path, trees rushing past me in a blur and the air getting noticeably fresher as I run from the school with my book in hand. The air was cold and it stung my nose as I breathed but I didn't care. All I wanted was to listen to my music alone. I finally got to my favorite place in the whole world: a hidden pond behind my school with a bench right by it under a willow tree.

I sat down. The pond was frozen over and everything around me was white and glittery from the snow. Today was the first day of school after winter break and I wasn't at all happy to be back. More teasing, more hurtful comments, more being called names like stupid, retarted, annoying, obnoxious, weird, autistic, etc etc. If there's a name I've been called it. I sighed and took my earbuds out of my pocket and started to untangle them. All I wanted was to hear pink floyd and pretend everything was okay.

Before I could put my earbuds in I noticed out of the corner of my eyes somone was sitting next to me. It creeped me out since I didn't notice them walk up to the bench or even sit down, they just kind of appeared there. I looked up at who it was and couldn't believe my eyes. It was syd barrett. I was speechless. How the hell was he here? Wasnt he supposed to be dead? Why did he look young?

"S- s-" I tried to say his name but my throut started to get blocked up and before I knew it I was crying. I couldn't believe I was sitting next to him. I'd always dreamed of meeting him but now that it was actually happening I was having an emotional breakdown. There was so much I wanted to tell him. How much I loved his music, how much he had inspired me, how much I've always wanted to meet him somehow. But all that came were more tears and sobs.

He pulled me into an embrace and a pair of black wings wrapped around me like a blanket. I looked into his eyes and they were all pitch black and he had a black halo hovering over his head. His hair was brown and curly, much messier than any picture I'd seen of him, which I had thought was impossible to achieve. Without thinking I reached up and touched his hair. It was soft. Soft like an angels.

He smiled. "I've been wanting to meet you, (yn)" he told me. I just smiled. He was breathtaking and any words I could think of couldn't explain how I was feeling in that moment. "I know this may be a bit overwhelming but you'll get used to my being here" he said.

I nodded "how are you here?" I asked him.

"That's a bit of a long story. To put it in a nutshell, I went to heaven but did some bad things as an angel. So, I became a fallen angel. And to prove myself worthy, I have to spend a year on earth guarding a human. At first I wasn't too thrilled, but seeing as you wanted to meet me so bad I thought why not. Now I'm thinking this won't be too bad" he explained. "Don't worry, no one can see me but you"

"What did you do?"

"Lets... not get into that right now"

I looked at him with suspicion. He seemed a bit hurt by this.

"Don't worry! I won't make the same mistake twice, I promise." He said. "Just... please let me be your guardian" he begged.

"Of course!" I said. "Who wouldn't want syd barrett as their guardian angel, a friend who's always there for you?"

Syd smiled happily. "I'm so glad you're as happy as I am to be together!" He said. "Now how about we buy you some flowers, I haven't smelled flowers in years, I almost forgot what it's like" he said.

fallen angel (syd barrett x reader)Where stories live. Discover now