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School was starting again. I dreaded it more than anything. No more waking up at twelve, chillaxing on the couch, talking to syd with no worries, eating bagels, watching movies, trying to explain internet culture to syd, no more carefree happiness. Starting today I'd have to once again deal with people teasing me, harassing me, calling me names, mocking me, sneering at me, rolling their eyes at me. But at least this year I had syd to keep me company when I went to the pond by myself at lunch.

I packed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. "Cmon, syd" I said. "We gotta go to school"

"Maybe this year won't be as bad?" Syd said, trying to be positive. It was really really unconvincing. I laughed as I stepped out the door.

"Yah. Sure." I said and put my arm around him. He did the same and I once again felt his soft angelic hair brush against the side of my face. I kissed him on the cheek. I just couldn't help myself.

When we got to school I stepped into the front door with caution.

"Ok syd... no starting any fights this year ok?" I said to him.

"Who are you talking to, retard? Your imaginary friend?" Said somone. Everyone laughed.

"Shut up" I said.

"Shut up" he said back in a mocking voice. "Or what? Is syd gonna come after us?"

More laughter. I could feel tears rolling down my face as anger welled up inside me. "Shut up! I mean it!" I said. I pushed a few students out of my way and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself inside the stall and sat on the ground with my back against the wall. First day of school and I was already having a meltdown. I hit my head against the wall a few times, not knowing of anything else to do.

"(Yn)? (Yn)? (Yn) where are you? (Yn) please come out" I heared syd's gentle voice from the hall outside the bathroom. I curled into a tight ball and buried my face in my knees and sobbed.

"(Yn) I can hear you in there please talk to me" he said.

I sniffed. "Ok syd"

I slowly got up and walked out and soon I was in syd's arms sobbing.

"I'm sorry it's just... I hate it so much when people call you imaginary" I said.

"I understand" said syd. "Here, you go to the pond and I'll work things out"

"Syd no! I said no starting fights"

"This won't be a fight" he said to me. "Don't worry (yn)" he kissed my cheek and let go so I could go to class.

During lunch I went to the pond to wait for syd to do whatever he was gonna do. After a while I heared footsteps coming from the path. I looked up to see syd and the kid who was harassing me earlier.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him.

"(Yn) relax" Syd told me. "This is neil. He says he's sorry for picking on you" he explained. Neil nodded. Syd continued, "I told him everything. How I'm a fallen angel and I've been spending time with you since january. And that's why you've been talking to yourself"

"I'm really sorry man. I really am. I had no right to treat you the way I did. And it's so cool that you know syd barrett now! I've been wanting to meet him for so long!"

"You like pink floyd too?" I asked.

"Hell yah!" He said. "Hey, I'm having a Halloween movie marathon next month if you wanna come, a few of my friends are coming. It won't be too big, just a lil get together is all"

"That sounds awesome!" I said. "We should watch nightmare before christmas"

"Of corse!" Said neil

"What's nightmare before christmas?" Syd asked.

"You haven't seen it?? OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO SEE IT" neil said.

"It's true you really do." I said.

I was glad to finally have a friend. Of course syd was my friend but he wouldn't be here forever.

Oh shit

Him and I only have three months left together

fallen angel (syd barrett x reader)Where stories live. Discover now