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If Paradox and Seto can do it then why can't I?

MY NAME IS XYRVIER. An eight years old turning nine next winter, I always wish and dream to be a protector of a king, even though the only royalty in this time is the people in England and all. But I train to be a protector ever since I was five years old, of course my training is something that gone harsher as year went by because I want to work hard to become one.

My mother and father is childish yet they supported my dream because they never see me wanted anything more but to be one. They are also one of the people I wish to protect. But I never thought that my life can change in a very young age because of helping an old lady to cross the street.

"Young child thank you very much." The old lady thanked me. "It's ok because helping someone in need is a duty of a knight and protector!" fist bump the sky as I said this and the old lady laugh slowly. "Oh~? What a strange dream you have, dear." She seems to be intrigue by me. "I watch a movie about a knight swear loyalty to a king that he protected no matter hardship the kind face, even the king fall from his throne, he never choice the next king to serve for he fallow his king who become pleasant. Because he and the king have deep connection from master to servant and friend to a friend." I said smiling at her.

"Interesting indeed. "She look at her bag and search for something for a while before fishing out two items. "Here a gift for you and for your courageousness." She hand me a box and pocket watch with eye on its cover. "I don't want anything in return at all, granny." I want to give it back to her but she insist and I can't help but accept from the look that granny give me. "Then I shall accept. Thank you very much for giving it!" I put the item in my pocket. "I just hope you'll do fine, child." She mumble before she turn to leave, leaving me alone. "What a weird yet kind granny." I utter before I turn back and start to walk back to my place.

I don't know that the granny have given me something that change my fate that day. After all that day was the day that I should have died by a car crash but instead of dying I found myself in ancient time.

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