In which the prince journey to kinghood with unlikely fellow pt.3

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Step 12 out of 13

—after that time I was sent to a week of survival with Marik, Seto and Xyrvier. That insane white haired meany who keep stealing Xy time come and keep asking us where was this girl who should be with us. At that time we pretty much beat up from his harsh way of asking us and I discover that it was Xy who he was talking about! The girl he was looking for was Xyrvier! My Xy-Xy! Was a girl—and that certain said person was watching us the whole time with many stuff that he get around the 'world' after his—no it's should be her not he or his!! She's a girl! I can't really believe that he was a she the whole time! through she said that we never ask what her gender was to begin with and that she never find it trivial to tell us that. And when she was about to introduce herself in the very first time after knowing one another for 2 years she pause, her eyes pupil shrike to a mare dot and her breath stop like something stopped her from saying farther, in the end she never told anything but run off to throw up. When she return she said she eat something rotten and sleep.

Through the whole time in the desert she's pretty much being dragged by her friend and she was not bother by it—it's more like she said the sun bother her more than being dragged by Bakura. There was one night she wanted to have ghost story telling but in the end all that happen was her admitting she was mentally defect ((I think she's hiding something)) and that she can copy someone voice based on memory of them. And she did—through what made us all laugh when she copied the scary Meany ((and my Xy time stealer)) Bakura in a word we sure that person never spoke on his whole life; "I have fluffy hair~" and it was still funny how Bakura blush in embarrassment by what Xy cause and Seto was right it really did tainted what image we have with Bakura... but I still don't like him for being the only one that know many thing about Xy and he know Xy was a girl for longer than me! her fiancé!

I notice something about Xy...she never change—what I mean she was taller than me at first meeting till I was taller than her and that she never age—she still have the same height, hair, skin ((that never tan even how barbecued she said she was in the desert—I say it's unfair for the rest of us was sun burned)) and body figure ((I tell you she eat so many meat and food yet never gain weight)). She's just one summer below me!

Till the day of my coronation—that day people consider as the perfect couple—where not officially married through [:'(]! As she stood by side with cloths of a queen. Yeah the people never once judge how she never age a day at all and thought that all the doubt about being a fraud disappear in their mind and that I was lucky to be her fiancé! ((I say I'm more lucky if were married already!)) and the fact that she don't know were fiancé hurt my feeling—I told her in a form of someone with a body of adult ((and big boobs //o///-///o/)) that was arguing with Seto in the ball with something ((I hear it was about height or looking down on someone)) and Seto left us, I thought of making that girl wait to the garden so she wont get harass by males that stare at her direction all those time but we start to talk about my problem of making Xy notice me till I told her everything and almost confess ((wait I did confess DX!!)) but stopped in mid-air when I saw smoke puff and the teenager before me become a kid—a kid who I know too well with hair that was bud cut and color of sunrise, skin pale and white, and eyes golden as the sun. it was Xy all along!

But she run off with big cloths hang loosely on her small form, I wanted to tell her that by calling out for her and fallowing her but I saw her with my cousin who was amuse at the pouting form of Xy as he put his white cape around her small form. My heart almost break at that spot.

I start to think if Xy like Seto and do Seto like Xy too? I am the only one that don't see it? was my feelings never notice because she like Seto better than me? cause Seto is smarter than me in terms of handling the country economy tax and budget? That all I ever good at is games?' with many thought like that I left those two alone, truly misunderstood many things. Seto never liked Xy as woman but a good companion to bully—like a little sister that never show annoyance physically as he bully her with her height and bad points, My cousin thought of Xy like a family—like me that he needed to guide and look after ((like if he turn his gaze away will be in a worse situation once he turn back his gaze)). I learned that after I ignore Xy for couple of Days of her asking for my forgiveness for not telling the truth about her being Xy but she did told that she don't lie about her name, Eosreign was her surname: Xyrvier something, something Eosreign was her full name ((oh no, its not literally something, something ok? I don't understand two of her other name.)) and that after ignoring her for days, she give me tablets—the three god cards! She said I was a perfect person to have them. That I will not use them to do bad.

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