In which things tend to get complicated on it's on

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Step 9 out of 13

"I'M SORRY I don't mean to make you angry again, A." I bowed my head to the pharaoh just after he finish morning meeting. He start to fidget and blush as he try to not meet my eyes. "w-will, you better don't repeat that next time." he says before he try to leave but I grab hold of his warm hand, that cause shiver to send to my cold vessel. "w-what?" he glance at me before he blush. "are you busy?" I ask and he shake his head no and I drag him away, I heard the people with him cooed and smiled widely at us. I drag him toward my room and let go of his hand in the middle of the room as I take the box that a hold the three tablet. "is there something wrong?" he ask after I look at the god cards before me. 'let's see...' my eyes glows as I use the blessing of oracle to see if he use this for good. And I saw I was right, he was fit to be the owner of this three Egyptian god cards.

"this is my gift to you, Atem. I hope you will use them will, for they are now bond to your soul." I state as I show his the tablet. He look at what lies within it to only be shacked beyond belief. "t-this..." he cant believe that he saw in flash the god cards that was thought as legend. "are you sure?" he ask me solemnly. "of course." With glowing golden eyes I answer him with pure confident. "and you're the right owner of those cards. I hope you use them well." Though in the insight I saw, his not the only one that was able to summon them...for Seto and Marik was able to summon the blue and the yellow one. "wait... those three look like my mark here." I show him my birthmark and point at the cards—and the next thing happen was my mark glows three color; red, blue and yellow that surround the two of us and attacked me.

My vision blacken and no longer see.


ATEM STARED SHOCKED when the girl before him disappear as well the three cards—she become a tablet of The Creator God of Light, Horakhty. The tablet soon show the god within it and stare at the kind of Egypt. "pharaoh Atem what do you desire to seek from me?" the god of light as the king who manage to think straight back. "Xy?! W-where did she go?" rather than caring for the god before him, he ask for the girl who should be standing in place of the deity. His mind blacken in worry for that girl that keep running to his mind and cause major heartbeats all those years unconsciously of hers. "that girl who bare the mark to summon me? don't you desire my help, for you have called me." the god stared confuse at the kind who worry for the dead girl who was sacrifice to summon him, for the only way to summon Horakhty is the life of the one that bare the marks of the three gods. "i-it's just accident...! Please don't tell me it cause her existence to disappear to summon you...!?" he start to be anxious for he don't even mean to summon the god before them nor desire to summon him if the life will cause was her.

"you were given the three god cards, correct? That child has no destiny that was written, all about her is uncertain and indefinite out comes that can come from a mare insight of her destiny for she is someone of the new...not one of the old." The ambiguous words of the god made the three colored haired king firmly form his lips in a tin line. "It might be rude to speak to you with kind of behavior but there's no event that made summon you out of free will, even it did come to that...I don't want to if it cause her life...!" he clinch his fist in his side as he felt his eyes gloss, he don't want to come to a decision where he need to choice his people or her life. For both bare the same amount of importance to him. no! she's his first priority because she never really treated him like someone who's higher than her, she's someone who made him feel...wonderful and full of expiration to go on for another day. She's his will.

"tell me young king, you have taken liking to someone far from your reach, haven't you?" bemuse the god ask the king that rule the land where he reside in the higher realm. "i...i adore and care for her! Even though I know she will not stay for long... that she will leave once she's done with her mission... I wanted to keep her by my side yet I cant be selfish for being a king means that I will do anything good for my country without my self-emotion attach in any matter that will lead harm to it. I will apologize if I become a horrible king that rule over Egypt if I give in to my thirst of her affection and I might not regret it." his face contort both happiness and sadness yet he smiled gentle at the deity. "but I will still do anything in my power just not to cause her life and existence to help all my people!." He ended.

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