A New Generation

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"Dad, what we do is not for you to worry about in that department," Hope said looking at her father. She was the rebellious one of his children and they shared a kindred spirit. "Hope, I just want you to be absolutely sure you are ready because more than likely you won't get away with it. Almost all wolves that are true mates end up with a pup as a result of their first mating," Klaus said. "It ensures that a strong bloodline continues," he said. He was keeping his temper and his patience. "Dad, I got this," Hope said looking at her dad. She wasn't a little girl anymore. She was grown now and Hayley knew it. "Klaus, she's not little anymore," Hayley whispered. Klaus' eyes had turned glassy as he stared at Hope. Finally he sighed and shook his head. Without saying anything else he turned and was getting ready to walk out of the room when Josie stopped him. "I have some news," she said softly. I could feel her excitement and her uneasiness. "Bonnie and Tala were the only ones that knew about it. Umm... I'm expecting," Josie said softly. Alaric's face was pure shock. I could only imagine what mine looked like. I just stared at her. She was pregnant.

"Expecting what?" Ric finally asked. "A baby," Josie said softly. She placed her hands protectively around her small stomach. That's when I noticed that there was a small pouch that had started to protrude. "Josie, I'm so sorry," I said. She was too young, she wasn't ready for this. She looked at me for a moment with shock and then anger flared like a fire in her eyes. "You don't want it?!" she demanded. I was speechless. That was not what I had meant. "I do want the baby. I just meant that you're young, I wanted you to do other things before motherhood," I said lowly. She stared at me, choosing her next words. Then Lizzy stepped forward. "It seems the next generation of supernaturals are making their way into the world in groups," Lizzy said. Ric turned to look at his daughter. "Gray and I are expecting as well," she said. Josie seemed overjoyed at Lizzy's words. "We're having our babies together!" Josie said rushing to her sister's side. Jo beamed with pride at her two daughters, but Ric was shooting daggers between Gray and I. Damon was about to spit nails as well. "Giuseppe Gray Salvatore! Have you lost your mind?!" Damon growled. I watched the scene unfold in front of me. "Dad, we didn't mean for it to happen. It just did," Gray said holding his hands up in surrender. "I'm going to kill you both," Ric said looking between Gray and I. "Daddy, we were willing just as much as they were. Please be happy for us," Josie pleaded softly to her father. Lizzy and Josie stared at their father and I could already see the expression changing in Ric's eyes and his shoulders releasing tension. "I'm happy that you're happy, I just don't want you to keep you girls from reaching your potential. Babies are a lot of work," Ric said gently. "Especially since there is a chance one, or both, of you could be carrying twins," Jo said. "I thought the curse was broken?" Lizzy asked. "It was. But twins run in your genes. That was never part of the curse," Jo explained. Color drained from not only mine and Gray's faces but from Damon and Ric's. "Well it looks like we have a new generation to prepare for. I'm sure there will be others to follow shortly," Hayley said looking at the other mothers. They dispersed among themselves to talk about their children and future grandchildren. All the while, I noticed one mother was still missing from the group. Where was my mom at?

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