(Army) they get jealous

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-Army's pov-
"Good luck y/n. Really hope you'll do well." I sarcastically told my girlfriend who was currently sat on my lap as we waited for the rest of the S4 to arrive in Inkopolis square.

"Oh please Army. Lighten up a little." She looked over her shoulder showing me her lovely big eyes.

"I'm sorry I don't know what you mean." I smirk and check my phone, "They should be here by now. How hold on here they are now."

"Hey guys!" Y/n leaps of my lap and hugs them all. In one go. Damn. We were meeting the rest of the S4 for a casual turf war.

All of a sudden I felt jealous. I know they were my friends and all but they seemed a little keen to hug her back. Even Mask.

"Hey y/n!" They all said. The hug lasted longer than I wanted and I got up and pulled y/n away from them.

"Is somebody jealous~?" Aloha pokes my cheek.

"As a matter of fact, yes." I state bluntly.

"Of course." Skull mutters and turns around and heads to the tower, his e-liter over his shoulder.

"So, you're not coming thennnnnn?" Mask slurs, "It's only a turf warrrrrrr, buddyyyyyyyy." He also turns around following Skull.

"I'll leave you two alone then, have fun, but not too much~!" Aloha winks and follows Mask and Skull to the tower.

"Idiots." I say and sit down picking y/n up and placing her back on my lap.

"You're so cute when you're jealous. Maybe I should do it more often.."

"Y/n no!"

"C'mon let's just do the turf war." Y/n gets off my lap again, this time taking my hand.

"O-okay." A blush forming across my cheeks as she drags me towards the tower.

"Hey guys! We're joining you!" Y/n tells Aloha, Mask and Skull who turn around and smile.

"Don't." I say to Aloha who was about to tease me about being jealous, "Just save it for later."

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