Chapter 2(preparation)

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I was almost finished for the night i just needed to clean my bikes to prepare them to be sold.. :'(My dad says "you know Y/N if you want to ship your bikes out there we can..." I swear That was the best thing i had heard all day.I hugged my dad and continued cleaning.I feel like no matter how mad,i could always talk to my dad even though he was taking me away from everything I've ever known.(i still wasn't talking to him BTW.)I picked up a dirty towel and threw it at him smiling and pointing to one of my bikes.

He helped me prepare the bikes for travel and by the time we finished it was 2 am. It didn't make sense going to sleep because our flight was at 5:30 am,so i just cleaned up and started packing . it would take me too long to do it by myself so i went to James room and he was closing his last suit case.i begged him to come help me seeing as he was finish. It took some convincing but he finally gave in and decided to help me.

we finished finally. I grabed my phone to check the time and it was 4:30 am,so i had to hurry up i got a quick shower ,

and put on this...

and put on this

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you put in you ear phones and choose to go down stairs. It was now 4:45 am and you all pack up you luggage and jump into the car,you drove 15 minutes to the airport.we went threw customs which was a pain as always and we all chose to get star bucks befor bording the plane.

your orders...

your: Caramel Machiotto ,on ice, wth soy milk

Mom:plain old black coffee on ice

James:Dragon fruit refresher 

Dads: Green tea frapachino ,wth 10 pumps of raspberry...

THE BIG MOVE(A CASH  AND MAVERICK FAN FICTION)Where stories live. Discover now