chapter 8 (My Feelings)

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still Cash's P.O.V:

i take of my t-shirt and start to clean up Y/N's face when i hear Syrians from the ambulance and fire trucks. They take her from me and put her in the ambulance. i jump in putting my jacket over myself to hide my chest . We arrive to the hospital i jump out of the ambulance and see maverick jumping out of his car and coming towards me. i just followed the paramedics in to the hospital. they shove Y/N onto a room and shut the door. I couldn't stand to be up there and ran down to the gazebo. i'm get lost in my thoughts when my phone goes off with a text ... it was mav telling me that i needed to sight Y/N in to the hospital...

convo: maverick ,under lined and cash, bold...



you need to come sign that girl in...

her name is Y/N and, sure whatever i,m coming

 k bro ill see you up here

end of conversation;

Mavericks P.O.V:

i text my brother to come sign whatever this girls name is i told him to come sight her in seeing as  didn't know any thing about her . he told me he was coming when the doctor told me we could go in and see he because she was awake. i walked in and saw her eyes closed until the door shut and then she opened them.

CASH? she said in wonder... no i replied it's his brother she looked at me weird and said 

' hi my name is Y/N"... hi my name is maverick... we both got into conversation and jus talked until cash came...

Cash's P.O.V:

i was walking to the nurses station and told a nurse that i was here to sign some one in. she asked a bunch of questions and finally said " you may go in she is awake now"she was pointing to the room that Y/N was in.I swiftly walked in to see Mav and Y/N chatting about something. i asked maverick to leave for a second so i could talk to Y/N... He got up and left... as i was standing by Y/N's bed i started to fell tears in my eyes and i started to explain how i felt...

cash is bold and Y/N is underlined...

Cash whats wrong???

Y/N this may sound weird but promise you wont get mad...

of coarse i wont ... whats up ?

well ... i - i - i -ah ummmm...

Cash your scaring me...

well i ah i-i  l-like  y-you...(he says stumbling on his words and rubbing the back of his neck)


i don't know why ... well i know why but i know ... you probably think its weird being we met only a few hours ago...

(A/N: its 10 o'clock pm btw)

(she looks up at cash) well i kinda sorta... i-i like you too...

( cash smiles )... really?


Y/N P.O.V...

Cash had just told me he liked me .i told him i liked him back but before any thing else could go down there was a knock on the door. maverick walks in and moves to the side grabbing cash he pulls him out the door with out saying any thing and my parents and brother walk in... 

my  mom walks in and hugs me with tears rolling down her face. you had us really worried, she said relieved but still sad. i mean i still wasn't talking to my parents but i guess i had to now right...i tell her i was sorry and didn't mean too...its fine were just glad your OK my dad says smiling. my brother was standing behind the cur ten trying to hide his sad sobbing face but i could still see him.i put my finger over my lip motioning my parents to not say anything as i get up and walk to the other side of the curt ten to scare James . it must have worked because he jumped and moved away looking petrified.

we all laughed hysterically while i lean in to hug James ,he smiled an said" glad your OK sis..

we sit down and had a family moment when my dad asked how this had happened i told him the details and told him that the boy's out side took care of me... he smiled and said he must find away to repay them... i told my parents i needed some air and asked to be permission was granted and i walked out side to were the boys were... they were sitting in the waiting room talking... i hid because they were talking about me... cash was crying while maverick i think his name was was trying to comfort him...

 cash was crying while maverick i think his name was was trying to comfort him

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this is kinda what they look like...

i walked in slowly saying " heyyyy"

cash jumped to his feet hugging me so fast i almost tumbled over

he laughed and said he was glad to see me, he pulled me away from maverick asking if he could stay the night because it was a friday night and  yea...

i told him if he wanted so he went to the nurses station to ask for a overnight pass and after my parents and maverick left cash fell asleep watching  t.v .(my parents new he was staying btw... and so did his)

 and so did his)

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A/N:hey guys i did 3 chapters in one day ... wow i feel diffrent ...make sure to vote and comment to let me know if i should keep going and also if you have any ideas dont for get to let me know...

any way hope your enjoying


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