four; msg drama pt.1

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Luke's POV

Her soft, vanilla lips press against mine as her fingers trace my jawline. I lean into her, because this is all I've ever wanted, to kiss her. She's a pain in the ass but she's my pain in the ass. I grab her waist and lift her up so her legs are wrapped around my waist. She's perfect. Her curvy figure makes her look like a normal person that doesn't weigh 70 pounds. I run my fingers through her light purple hair and smile as she opens her beautiful green eyes. 

"Luke.." She whispers.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"I want this. I want you." She says into a kiss.

"I want you too. You're all I've ever wanted." I say into her ear. 

"Luke Hemmings, I promise I will not hurt you. I will try harder than anything to not hurt you." Gemma says.

"Just kiss me." I whisper.

And she does.

We walk out of the supply closet hand in hand. I put my jacket on her so the rest of the guys don't question her about her arms. She promised me it was only this time, and she would never do it again-and I believed her. 

"W-what's this?!" Ashton laughs as he sees us.

"We are now 'together'." Gemma says in air quotes.

"Finally now we can all move on with our lives, eh?" He says.

"Hey, Ash, I'm sorry. You and the boys and this band have led me to the best time of my life. You guys are so important to me." I say.

"Don't get emotional Hemmings. It's all good." He smiles and walks away.




Gemma's POV

Today is the best day ever, and tonight will be the best night ever. I'm talking about MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. I literally screamed when I saw that we would be going there, because it's MSG (duh.), and my best friends live in New York and promised to come see the show.

"Luke?" I ask as we walk to the bus.

"Yeah?" He says.

"I'm so excited I don't know what to do." I smile.

"You could kiss me..?" He laughs.

"Brilliant idea." I say and stand on my tiptoes and bring his lips to mine. 

"I'm so lucky." Luke whispers.

"You are." I laugh and poke him in the stomach. 

When I get into the bus I see my phone buzzing. 

"It's my friends!" I smile.

Madison: AYYY!

Me: Hey! :)

Madison: How do you like touring so far?!

Me: It's amazing. Lots of downs but lots of ups :)

Madison: Like what?

Me: like this guy..

Madison: TELL ME

Me: luke hemmings <3

Madison: NO WAY!!!1!! you got the singer and the guitarist?! DAMN GEMMA! 

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