six; to be or not to be

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Gemma's POV                

I walk onto the stage to hear screams, laughter, crys, and just craziness. Madison Square Garden. I've been dreaming about this place since I could dream. I never thought I would be here, I never thought I would be able to get here. Let alone with 5 Seconds of Summer and my boyfriend, Luke Hemmings. No one believed in me back in London, when I started singing on the street corners for extra cash to buy a new guitar. I was constantly told to "get a new dream" because mine was unrealistic. But it's real. And i'm here right now in Madison Square Garden.

"Hello MSG!" I yell into the microphone. I hear only cheers in response. 

"Are you ready to rock out?! Lets do this!" I say and start the next song.

"I've had a lovely time here with you tonight, but I'm sure the real reason you're here is to see 5 Seconds of Summer, am I right?" I ask the crowd. They scream louder than ever.

"Good Night MSG!" I yell and run off the stage. I see Luke standing there his arms open wide. I run into them and wrap myself in his being. God, I love him. 

"You were perfect." He smiles.

"You're perfect." I whisper.

"Well aren't you a lucky girl." He teases.

"I am." I say as I plant a kiss on his perfect lips.

We are interrupted by Calum ringing microphone feeback in our ears.

"Shit!" I scream.

"Fuck you Calum." Luke groans.

"We have a show to play! Stop sucking each other's faces and let's go!" Ashton claps.

"Good luck." I whisper.

And he gives me a smile that looks so secretive I have to stop myself from pulling him toward me to ask what's going on.

"The next song is 'End Up Here'." Calum yells and the crowd goes insane.

"We usually don't play this song but tonight is a very special occasion. Not only are we playing Madison Sqare Garden but...just listen." Luke smirks and the song starts playing. I start moving to the beat backstage, and I am confused when I see Luke coming my way as he starts singing the chorus. Then he grabs my wrist and pulls me onto the stage. I try and resist but he's stronger than me in every way. At my moment of weakness as I look at his flexed muscles he pulls me forward and I am blinded by lights and overwhelmed by cheers.

How did we end up talking

In the first place?

You said you liked my Cobain shirt

now we're walking back to your place

you're telling me how you love that song

about Living on a Prayer

I'm pretty sure that we're half way there

and when I wake up next to you

I wonder how,

how did we end up here?

And he kisses me. Luke Hemmings kisses me in front of thousands of people, his fans his admirers and worst of all, the girls that would do anything to be me right now. I kiss back for a split second and then pull away and give him a confused look mixed with fear. And then I hear the 'boos' from a few people and my eyes fill with tears.




Luke's POV

Yeah, I kissed her in front of everyone. I did. And I thought the so called fans would be more supportive. She gave me a look of fear when the kiss broke and then it turned to tears when we heard a few lone 'boo's from random 'fans'. She looks at me in a way I've never seen Gemma, broken, and runs off the stage.

I look at the stage, not knowing what to do. I grab the microphone.

"For all of you that just said 'boo' to MY GIRLFRIEND, I want you to know I'll never forgive you." I say and run off the stage leaving Michael, Calum, and Ashton. I don't care about this concert anymore. I don't care if the press gets the story. I don't care. i can't lose Gemma.

I run throughout the halls searching for the short lilac haired green eyed girl I love so much, but fail. As I walk through the bottom floor I hear a noise from the storage closet.

"Gemma?" I ask as I walk in to the tiny closet.

"Luke?" I see her purple head pop up.

I squeeze my shoulders into the closet and close the door. We just stand there for a minute, looking at eachother. Her beautiful green eyes that make you think about mint leaves and her purple hair that looks like the color was stolen right from a lilac. And her perfect red lips. Of course, the makeup made them more red then pink, but they were perfect either way. She was just-perfect.

"I'm sorry. I meant it to be a good thing. Introduicing you to the fans, showing them how in love with you I am." I whisper.

She just looks down and sniffles. When she looks back up her eyes are clouded with tears.

"Luke Robert Hemmings I've never loved anyone more than I love you. But we can't do this. I've already got hate from the fans, and I can't deal with it. I've been teased and bullied my whole life and when I got on this tour it all went away. My biggest source of anxiety and stress was gone. I love you. I love you, god, I love you. I'm totally and completely in love with you. But I can't take it. There is someone much better out there for you, Luke. I am fucking in love with you..which is why I can't stay anymore. Goodbye Luke. I love you so much." She whispers and kisses my cheek. And then she's gone. I am still processing what she said. She said goodbye. Then I realize something. She said goodbye. She's leaving the tour. She's leaving me. She's going home. Holy Shit.

I run out to the top floor where the stadium is and see the boys with faces mixed with anger confusion but mostly concern. 

"What was that?!" Michael asks.

"GEMMA'S LEAVING. YOU NEED TO HELP ME FIND HER BEFORE SHE GOES." I pant and they all rush outside. As soon as I get outside I run. I run like Usain Bolt toward her bus. As I get closer the bus turns on and starts to move out of the parking lot. I see a figure through the window and scream her name. I see her turn toward me and then the bus stops. She walks outside and runs toward me.

"What's wrong?!" She asks, holding my shoulders.

"You--can't leave. I need you Gemma." I gasp for air between words.

"Luke..I love you so goddamn much. So much. I can't explain it. But I have to. And you can't stop me." She pulls away from my grasp and runs back onto the bus. And just that like she's out of my life. She's out of the tour. She's gone. She's gone and I don't know where to find her. 

I fall onto my knees and sob into my shirt. 



did that just happen. i think it did. it did. this chapter is a game changer lol. i worked hard on the idea and don't worry gemma's not gone forever :) thanks for all the lovee and support. this story is my favorite i've ever written and you guys reading it makes everything better :)  have you seen Calum's turtle poem? omg its my life haha

xoxo -me


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