thirteen; tour

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Gemma's POV

"We are going on another tour. Opening for One Direction." Luke says and my heart drops.

" long?"

"Maybe 5 months."

"But Luke--"

"I'm saying no."


"I can't leave you."

"I'm going with you, babe." I smile and kiss him.

"How?" Luke aks,

"I'll stay in hotels. I want to be with you, I love you." I say.

"I'll go tell the boys." Luke says excitedly and goes to the living room.

I open my laptop and go on twitter. I don't check the tweets people send me, because they're usually trash. I click on my DM's and I can't breath. Harry Styles.

@ harrystyles: this is the real gemma ross?

@ therealgemma: oh my god yes is this really harry styles?

hs: yes it is :p

trg: oh my god.

hs: did luke tell you?

trg: about the tour?

hs: yeah.

trg: he did. im going to come with, stay in some hotels

hs: good.

trg: ?

hs: i wanted to meet you love.

trg: oh that's sweet.

hs: why havent u told the fans u & luke are a thing?

trg: i think it's better that way and he does 2.

hs: hmm. ok.

trg: dont tell anyone, harry.

hs: now we're on a first name basis? damn gemma!

trg: bye harry styles.

hs: bye gemma ross :)<3

I fall back onto my bed and exhale. Harry fucking Styles just DMed me. AND PUT A HEART BY MY NAME. I smile and text Lola to come over, partly for Ashton-but mostly for me.




Luke's POV

Gemma runs into the kitchen waving her phone around like a psychopath.

"HARRY STYLES!" She yells and laughs.

"What about Harry Styles?" I ask.

"HE--TWITTER--AHHHH!!!" She jumps up and down.

"Gemma he's just a guy." I say.

"He's Harry Styles." Gemma whines and I roll my eyes and walk away.

I walk into Calum's room and am greeted by shrugs and grunts from the boys.

"Did you tell her?" Michael asks.

"Yeah. But Harry Styles DMed her.." I trail off.

"Ooh Luke has some competition!!" Ashton whoops.

"Not if I can convince her that I'm better." I think.


a/n: harreh no i ship them too muchhh

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