2 - Vampires

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6 o'clock in the morning rolled around the next day. It was my usual time to get up and head over to Blue Oak. Even though I was warming up to Frank, I was honestly hoping he wouldn't be there. Tonight I have to set up the Halloween decorations considering Halloween is 2 days away. But, I haven't been feeling up to doing this myself, so maybe him being there would not be excruciatingly painful as I would normally think. 

I grabbed my jacket and walked down to Blue Oak Cafe and sat against the wall, my legs against my chest. The walk to Blue Oak was not even a half mile, so I didn't bother driving. The crisp autumn air wasn't as much of an annoyance this morning, considering I was smart enough to bring my navy blue jacket, or overcoat, as some would say. I looked in the window because I saw Annie's midnight black Ford Escape parked in the front. She must have been inside already. I decided to make my way inside since Annie usually didn't mind if I came in before opening, since I was a regular and her best friend. I pushed slightly on one of the double doors and it opened slowly, making a creaking sound, as if they were doors in an old house. She needs to fix these, I thought. To my surprise, I walked in and faint whispers and laughs. I wasn't under the assumption it was Frank, because no one ever comes this earlier. Luckily nobody was at my usual table. I made my way to my seat and a coffee was already made and sitting there for me. Weird, she never does that. Annie always let's me order at least. It's one of the the only  major ways I'll talk is if I'm ordering food or coffee. That and Halloween. 

I sat quietly, sipping on my coffee. I went on twitter to find many people amused by my Halloween aesthetic. My name was quite clever. That's when Frank and Annie came out, laughing together. What the hell?  I thought. I felt my hands tighten around the hot coffee cup. I'm not getting jealous. I don't think, am I? No I'm not. Annie may be my best friend, but she can be friends with other people. Frank set down in front of me, already having a crumpet and hot chocolate in his hands. His over-sized sweater was covering his delicately small hands. 

He's here again, amazing. I'll just have to ignore him. I put the coffee mug in front of my face, pretending I couldn't see him. But in reality, I could.

"Hey, Gerard!" Frank said.

Ignore him, Gerard. Ign-"Hello." I quietly mumbled. Wait.. Why am I talking to this weirdo?

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here first, Annie invited me to stay the night. We of course went in the backrooms, where her rooms are. Who would sleep in here?" He explained. Annie lived in her cafe. 

What's he doing? He can tell I don't like this. It's not that I'm jealous, but it makes me mad when people, especially those I barely know, purposely anger me. I don't even know what I'm feeling right now. "I'm gonna punch you!" I shouted. My voice of anger echoed in the room along with the sound of my coffee cup slamming onto the brown wood table.

Annie and Frank were in shock. Annie has known me for 3 years and she knows I don't like talking. Much less, screaming in anger. 

I immediately headed through the creaky double doors and pushed my way through them. I sat outside with my knees against my chest. I didn't want to talk and explain to them why that happened. Because honestly, I don't know why. I wasn't jealous- there's no way. I haven't felt jealous since my first wife divorced me. Plus Frank was a guy, and I'm not totally sure I'm into guys. Wait- I know I'm not. But why do my relationships with girls never tend to work out? That's a question I need to ask myself later.

"Gerard." Annie whispered, interrupting my thoughts.

I ignored her. I've never been angry at her before. This is out of the ordinary, because she's always been there for me. She helped me through my major depressive episodes, suicidal tendencies, and cutting addictions. 

"Gerard." She said again, touching my shoulder.

I ignored her once more. 

"I want you to come in and talk. I closed the shop until 10." She offered me her hand. I need to get over myself. I'm idiotic and completely insane. I can't believe I got angry over something so small. How did that even hurt me?

Annie and I walked back inside together. Frank was still sitting at my table. I sat down in front of him. Annie grabbed a chair and scooted up towards us. There was complete silence in the room for at least 10 minutes. The only thing that was heard was the sound of the coffee pots brewing and ovens baking more scones and pies. 

"I'm sorry." I managed to admit.

"It's fine, Gerard." Frank said.

"Gerard, you can tell us what you're thinking." Annie replied simpathetically.

"Okay," I started,"I got jealous when you took Frank last night. I know, I make it sound like he's mine. But, I like talking to him! It was amazing. I've never been able to connect with someone so quickly or talk so soon. I was also upset you never invite me, Annie." I tuned to her for a split second. "I'm scared Frank's replacing me... and Annie is replacing me." I turned to look at Frank and made direct eye contact,"Not that I'm gay, bisexual, or pansexual..." 

"Gerard, we're here for you." Frank replied.

"Exactly." Annie agreed.

"Can you tell me why I'm feeling this way?" I sighed.

"Uh, Gerard. I could tell you were upset and jealous. That was Frank and I's plan." Annie said. I caught a hint of guilt in her soft voice. 

"Why?" I asked,"How would you know? I don't even like him that way... and Annie, you're my best friend."

"Okay, fine." Frank said,"It wasn't a plan. But, I wasn't expecting you to get mad. I thought you hated me."

"Hated you? I still do." I smirked,"No. But seriously. You were okay, I guess. But I wouldn't exactly carry on a relationship or anything, You know?"

"Sure." I heard Annie snicker.

"ANNIE!" I screamed, a little louder than anticipated.

"GERARD!" Frank screamed back.

"Did you really just intimate me?" I rolled my eyes,"You're going to have to work harder than that."

All three of us spent the rest of the morning laughing, joking around, and drinking coffee. I got some time to admit my obsession with Halloween and decorating for the holiday. Frank sheepishly admitted to both of us he was bisexual, although I had a slight suspicion that Annie already knew. 

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