11 - Witches

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A/N: Well, I guess I have to say: This is the last chapter of 'October.' I will post the Epilouge soon after. (Tomorrow, most likely). This story was really fun to write and to be honest, I'm surprised I stuck with this. I had this idea pop in my head so many times and just 'brushed it away', but I'm glad I didn't because I loved this! I'm dedicating this last chapter to @EmmaVonMonroe. I always see her voting on everything that I write and seeing when the next updates are. I love my fans. ;)

Happy Reads,


I woke up to the feeling of something slimy and wet. What the f*ck? I sat up quickly, squinted, and rubbed my eyes. I looked around, still tired that I barely could see. I felt around for whatever was on me, but only felt the touch of someone's hand. I jumped back. My eyes winded. It was Frank. How did he get in my apartment?

"Frank, what the fuck are you doing here," I rubbed my eyes again,"It's early,"

"It's 11:30!" Frank chuckled. He then went into another room. I was so confused, what was he doing? I sat up and watched Frank bring in an alien shirt and a pair of jeans. He had one job, and that was to get my blue suit.

"So?" I answered,"I thought you were upset with me. You still didn't answer my question."

I grabbed the pair of jeans he had chosen and quickly jumped into them. They were so tight. Oh yes, because he felt the need to choose skinny jeans,"I'm killing you." I muttered low.

"What?" Frank asked, looking up from his phone."We had lunch plans. I just came  over and waited for you to get up. Being angry changes nothing."

"Nothing." I ignored him, "Ready?" I sighed.

"I really want the entire menu at Red Lobster." Frank sighed, sounding genuine.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes,"I want to be buff, but that won't happen, will it?"

"You're right." Frank smirked, before grabbing my hand. We always interlocked fingers when we walked anywhere. We had to walk to Red Lobster, considering Frank had no car, that little shit. Plus, I didn't have car. I could barely afford a box of Twinkies. Not Literally, but still. It took us around 30 minutes to walk up to Red Lobster. Usually it takes probably an hour. There was lobster costumes set up in the windows, and of course, Frank went crazy.


"I swear you're like a little kid," I mentioned, shaking my head."We need to get our table."

"Whatever," Frank said, rather annoyed, as we walked into Red Lobster.

"1 table for 2." Frank smiled at the hostess,"We have reservations, I believe."

"You got us reservations?" I whispered under my breath. I was excited.

Frank nodded, taking my arm and following behind the hostess.

A few minutes later our waitress came by. She asked us what we would like to drink.

"I'll have water." I said.

"Me too." Frank agreed.

Nothing was really catching my eye until I came across the special of the day. Lobster A Deux, it read. I decided on the Lobster A Deux. It had a nice ring to it and the side dishes looked appetizing.

"Have you two decided yet?" The waitress asked. She came back with our waters.

"Lobster A Deux." Frank and I said at the same time.

"Fall Out Boy fans?" She questioned. Frank nodded, and I just sat there. I had no idea it had to do with a band. I was confused as to why a popular restaurant named one of their dishes after something to do with a band. "ONE FOLIE- ONE LOBSTER A DEUX." the waitress yelled back at the cooks. She ran back to the kitchen to help with other orders.

I folded my hands and stared at Frank, he was picking his nose. "Frank." I groaned."STOP!"

"Sorry," Frank blushed out of embarrassment. He does that a lot. In fact, there's lots of annoying things he does.

The waitress came back with our food but tripped and fell on a nail. Food went flying everywhere, and she was sitting on the floor with Lobster A Deux in her hair.

"OH SHIT!" I screamed out loud. I was so annoyed. This was perfect until this happened. We had to get a trainee, didn't we? At least I assumed she was. I took Frank's hand and flipped off the manager. I was probably being melodramatic about the situation. I mean, it wasn't really her fault she fell. Luckily, we hadn't paid anything yet so we didn't have to try and get our money back.

"Lunch was ruined." Frank complained.

"It was great!" I nervously laughed,"Until the end..."

"See?!" He said, exasperated."I was gonna have this romantic lunch then ask you to be my bo..." Frank mumbled the rest.

"What?" I asked again.


The End

A/N: Hahaha , yes. Upon re-editing I have decided to end the story on a cliffhanger. Stay tuned for December, the sequel.

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