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Tabitha Longbottom a Hufflepuff that kept to herself

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Tabitha Longbottom a Hufflepuff that kept to herself. Most of the people in her year known her as the quietest person in existence. It would have been an exaggeration or an understatement but even the professors had a say in it.

You would question why someone as quiet as her, had ended up in the middle of a party in the Gryffindor Common Room. Standing in the middle of the room full of horny, drunk and just crazy teenagers, was Tabitha Longbottom wearing a look that could kill.

"Come on Tabs lighten up" Tabitha almost fell to the floor as her older brother threw his arm over her shoulder. Him. It was Frank who had dragged her out of the library—No words said, and just hauled across the Hogwarts corridors.

She shot her head up scowling at him," Tabs if looks could kill, I'd have been dead ages ago" If Tabitha had her wand with her at the moment, she wouldn't have hesitated on hexing her brother to oblivion, but her brother had snatched it knowing his fate if he didn't. So, she was left defenceless swarmed by the rowdy teenagers, the ones she never wanted to associate herself with.

Frank took his cup and shoved it to his sister's mouth making her drink whatever alcoholic beverage was in it. She coughed taking it down as it burned her throat, as he grinned at her. Immediately after she had regained her composure, she turned up with a scowl on her face, "Bloody Hell! Frank" Tabitha retorted angrily wiping her mouth.

He let out a small laugh kissing her cheek and quickly slipping away," I WILL BLOODY MURDER YOU FRANKLIN NIAL LONGBOTTOM!"

She yelled over the music, that got the attention of a certain marauder who was currently walking by to refill his beverage. The infamous James Potter, one of the biggest pranksters of Hogwarts currently. She locked eyes with him as he smirked at her making her shift her body around to avoid any interaction with him.

"Good I didn't look too long and he probably won't approach you, Tabitha" She chanted quietly to herself. Though, unlucky for her, James was already standing right behind her, having heard her words. He let out a chuckle making her freeze in spot feeling chills run down her spine as she gulped.

"I've never seen you around the parties" James leaned closer to her ears, making her jump away holding it like it was injured. He watched her amused at her reaction as she slowly walked back to the wall behind her. She had let out a small squeal once she had her back on the wall.

James couldn't help but find her absolutely adorable but he didn't have the nerve to tease her any longer not wanting to make her possibly cry. So, he stayed a little far from her as he spoke," I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you"

Tabitha was too focused on her racing heartbeat from nearly being scared the life out of her as she tried to catch her breath. She took a moment to respond, glad that he wasn't pushing her to speak. She had noticed his posture and he didn't seem impatient at all, but rather calm.

"I—It's okay" She mumbled making James have to slightly lean closer to hear her. She realized it and raised her voice a little higher," I don't ever go to them—these gatherings I mean" She looked up to him," My brother dragged me here"

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