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James was sure he was losing his mind when Tabitha had told him she had fancied him

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James was sure he was losing his mind when Tabitha had told him she had fancied him. He was sure he was in a dream since he was left standing in front of her speechless.

Tabitha, on the other hand, had no idea how to handle the situation after blurting out her feelings.

She and James were just enjoying the last day of the school year, and the words just slipped out. She had found herself just standing awkwardly there as James was pretty much a statue at this point.

After finally deciding what to do, she had found herself having to turn to others for help. 

"Wow Tabs, you really struck The James Potter speechless" Frank tried his best not to laugh since Tabitha had dragged James since he was showing no sign of moving. So, for her, the only person she had in mind was her brother and the other marauders.

"I—I just told him my feelings, and he—well he's been like this for almost two hours now" Tabitha looked at the males who couldn't help but find her current situation hilarious

"So, you brought him to us?" Remus said slowly fighting the urge to smile himself as she nodded

" I panicked," she whispered in a meek voice which made Sirius have the urge to just squeeze the life out of her adorableness.

"James" Peter waved his hand in front of his friend countless times and he was showing no reaction at all.

"You broke him" Frank laughed," My own sister broke someone"

She felt her face burn showing her flustered state which caused her to huff and stomp her feet," Frank you are not making this situation any better!"

"I think I have an idea" Sirius raised his hand making her turn to him

"What? Black please, at this rate—I'll do anything!" She begged as she grabbed him on the shoulders shaking him back and forth.

Remus chuckled putting his hand on her arm," I think you'll want to stop shaking him in order for Sirius to say his idea"

"Oh" She abruptly stopped pulling her hands back," Sorry about that"

"It's fine" He waved his hand pushing his hair back," You may be little, but you are strong"

"Well obviously she is, she's a Longbottom—The woman in the family are the ones with all of that" He furrowed his brows motioning his hands to his sister," I mean, you all know how our mother is" Peter felt himself recoil; he had personally met their mother since his parents often were invited to the Longbottoms for dinner.

"Yes Frank, we all know your fear of Mother dearest—" She turned back to Sirius," So what is your brilliant idea?"

"Easy, kiss him," He said naturally making her drop her folded arms and turn to James kissing his cheek without hesitation. She pulled back hearing James let out a breath as he turned to her grinning which had her returning the smile.

It had left the Marauders to just stare dumbfounded at that actually working.

As for Frank, it was a different story when he had snapped his head to Sirius as he was ready to attack him for the suggestion

"I didn't think she'd actually do it!" Sirius cried loudly. Though despite Sirius' pleas for help James and Tabitha were in their own world.

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