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Tabitha's fourth year in Hogwarts had probably been the most eventful one she had yet

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Tabitha's fourth year in Hogwarts had probably been the most eventful one she had yet. Since James had suddenly taken interest in her, she'd had found herself going along his little misfit adventures.

When he wasn't with his best friends, he was with her, and Tabitha kept trying to act like she didn't enjoy it, but he could see behind it that she was, in fact, having an amazing time.

James had not tried to make advances towards her romantically, wanting to not do what he did with Lily. He wanted to be her friend before even possibly thinking of seeing her as anything more.

Though, it proved to be a challenge since he had found himself when with her, that he couldn't help the feelings that were forming little by little.

Each time she pouted, he would feel the urge to pinched or poke her cheeks. Or the times she laughed, it had sounded like music to his ears, making him feel weak to the knees.

Everything Tabitha Longbottom did, had James on the edge of his feet wanting to experience more.

James felt so much freedom from not being told to 'Sod Off' or to be greeted with the rolling of eyes. Every single time he had approached Tabitha, she would always give a warm greeting, even if she usually starts with a smart comment or about what troubles will he drag her in today.

Just like any other day James had found the small pink-haired female away from people as she was consumed in her reading. James had been sure she was straight from a painting just from the sight before him.

"Mornin' Bitsy," James said brightly as he sat next to her on the window sill. She looked up to him as she kept her blank face, but he knew her words were going to be the same as usual, warm.

"A little late for a Mornin' Jas" Tabitha responded

"Well it's morning somewhere else in the world," He said smirking as she chuckles softly," That is right, but a hello to you, so—What shenanigans are you going to drag me into this fine afternoon," She said closing her book.

"Oh," He beamed at her words," You already want to spend the day with me? I feel honoured Bitsy"

"It was—Oh Merlin's beard" She mumbled incoherently as she felt her cheeks burn.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind you leading the day" He stated making her peer up at him," Really? You do know I'm rather boring"

"Says who?" He unknowingly responded defensive at her words, making her stifle a laugh about to come out.

"Says me—Says probably that fella" She pointed at a random student. She watched James get up and she yelped as she grabbed him," It was a joke Jas" She retorted as she noticed he was about to pounce the poor Ravenclaw guy she randomly pointed at.

He looked at her seeing that she almost fell off the window sill, as she had his hand on his arm," I sound a tad egotistical, but I think I am rubbing off on you Bitsy" He smirked and she realized, that he was not going to even bother the Ravenclaw at the slightest.

"Why you little—" He snickered cutting her off as she huffed re-adjusting her robes after nearly falling to the ground.

"I see we've started the day together already" She pouted as he winked at her.

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