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"So" Sirius turned in his bed looking over to James' bed," Why the sudden shift from Lily to Tabitha?" Remus looked up with interest while Peter halted his eating wanting to know as well

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"So" Sirius turned in his bed looking over to James' bed," Why the sudden shift from Lily to Tabitha?" Remus looked up with interest while Peter halted his eating wanting to know as well.

James looked over to his three friends," I thought you said you wouldn't ask until I told you guys?"

"Well" Peter started," That was just Moony," said mentioned male rolled his eyes leaning on his headrest," Well, at the time I thought it was a good idea" He mumbled.

"I'm not just forgetting Lily guys, and Tabitha is definitely not her replacement" James leaned on his hand," She said some things to me at the party a while back, and it really made me think of everything"

"So drunken words swayed you?" Sirius raised his eyebrow and James rolled his eyes," No, her words were from the heart, I know it, but that wasn't—"

"What did she confess her undying love to you?" Peter questioned making James groan," No—It's not that, in fact, she told me she didn't even fancy me in the slightest"

"Yet you're still trying to talk to her?" Remus interrupted," James, I think it's a little unfair for her case, I don't know what happened at the party, but maybe just throwing yourself into her life isn't how you should do it"

"I'm not just—" James cut himself off falling into his bed," I'll be careful for her sake" He acknowledged.

"I just—I really like talking to her, she doesn't push me away or tells me to leave when I do. She just—"

"Puts up with it?" Sirius added

James shifted his body shaking his head," She listens"

"So, you don't fancy her in the way you did with Lily?" Peter said through a muffled voice since he was eating again.

"I don't want to answer that yet, because I want to do this right. Over the past four years, I have been trying to win Lily, and obviously, it's not going to be easy just to forget that all"

"Okay, we'll be by your side" Sirius grinned," If that's your decision, we'll be with you"

James laughed thanking his friends as he thought about a certain pink-haired Hufflepuff.

"I'll do this right" He mumbled to himself.

That was how the marauders had settled their decision, and it was how they often came to her defence whenever they heard awful things thrown her way.

Just as well with some petty people who tried to send a hex her way, the boys were there to stop it. Tabitha Longbottom was not just a stranger anymore; she was now a comrade in their eyes.

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