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"I'm starting to think you are purposely trying to get me as an accomplice at this point James Potter" Tabitha whispered to him as they both were currently sat in the broom closet

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"I'm starting to think you are purposely trying to get me as an accomplice at this point James Potter" Tabitha whispered to him as they both were currently sat in the broom closet.

He looked over to her as the light of their wands lit the small room," Come on Tabi, you got to admit, it's rather fun"

Tabitha looked him over and gave him a face at the nickname he gave her," Tabi sounds like a feline, I'd prefer you not refer me as such a name" He chuckled at her little rant as he leaned his head back on the wall," What about Bits?

"Bits?" She deadpanned at him as he grinned at her," It's cute"

"It's awful" She quickly retorted making him laugh," Awh come on Tabitha there has to be a nickname you'd like. I mean Tabs feel like only Frank exclusive"

"Right, then why do the guys call you prongs?" Tabitha asked making him almost choke on nothing at her question," It's uh—We just have nicknames for each other" He said unsurely as she looked at him for a moment.

"Right, not because of something secretive and illegal right?" She questioned making him feel the sweat form on his palms.

He quickly laughed making it already suspicious," No—No it's not that at all"

She rolled her eyes leaning back," I won't pry Jas" He turned to her and raised an eyebrow," Jas?"

"Yeah, if you are so set on giving me a nickname, then I'll give you one" She smirked making him give her a toothy grin," I have a perfect one now"

She cocked an eyebrow," Enlighten me Jas"

"Bitsy" She quickly frowned at the name," Merlin no"

"Merlin yes" He winked making her groan," You are finding too much joy in this"

"It's cute just like you" He blurted out and quickly realized what he said as he felt his face burn.

Tabitha also felt her face turning a beautiful shade that matched his red hue. Both of them falling into the most awkward silence ever.

Although, it lasted not too long as James laughed with her following in suit. However, their moment was over as the broom closet door had been snapped open making them halt their laughter as they looked at a fuming Filch and his Mrs Norris standing by his feet with the look of victory.

"Oh, for Merlin's—" Tabitha said under her breath.

"Detention! Both of you!" He yelled making them both flinch at the loud sound of his voice.

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