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It was a new school year, as the Marauders were in their sixth year, Tabitha was in her fifth year

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It was a new school year, as the Marauders were in their sixth year, Tabitha was in her fifth year. Since they all arrived at Hogwarts, James had been looking forward to seeing her since they only contacted with mail a few times over the summer break.

"James" Remus put his book down looking at his friend," If you don't keep still, I will shove you out of the table"

Sirius snorted as he ate pointing a chicken leg to Remus," Come on Moony, he's just excited to see his adorable Hufflepuff"

James rolled his eyes to his friends as Peter spoke," Well if you're looking for her, she's right there" He pointed behind James making him snap his head back. The moment he saw her he was already on his feet making his way over.

"And there he goes," Sirius said wiping fake tears with one hand," The puppy found his owner"

"That's more fitting for you" Remus mumbled making Sirius throw his chicken leg to him, but was whacked away," How in Merlin's name did you do that without looking?"

"Because you're predictable"

"What a waste of food" Peter huffed eyeing the chicken that landed on the table.

Once Tabitha had reached her house table, she wasn't able to sit because the ever so familiar voice of James Potter had called out to her. She looked up to see him walking to her grinning, she peeked to the side seeing that most of her housemates were all looking at them but over the past year, she had chosen to ignore those stares and went by her day.

"I see you have already spotted me Jas" She turned to him as he smirked," Well, I tried to find you on the train, but I had no luck"

"I was in the prefect section, I saw Lupin" Tabitha waved to her badge making him look to it.

"And he didn't say he saw you?" He responded offended making her chuckle," Well we thought it was funny"

"Wait—You both—" James raised his hand to his chest," My own friends"

She snickered behind her hand and smiled," It's nice seeing you Jas, did you have a good summer?"

"Well, someone hardly sent me mail—so it wasn't all that fun" James pouted

"Oh? Well—It was hardly easy for me to send mail from Alaska. I refused to make Haribo fly through the cold air" Tabitha replied blankly making him chuckle.

"Well, we got a whole year ahead of us again, you can always make up for the lost time" He whispered to her then smirked grabbing her wrist," Starting now" Before she could retort he had already been pulling her across the hall, to his house table.

She eventually fell into step, since she had often found herself eating with the Gryffindors since her becoming friends with him.

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