Chapter 6

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I convinced Draco to sit with me, Hermione and Harry, I guess I convinced him but before I even finished the question he said yes in a very rushed tone, maybe he was lonely or... jealous. It doesn't matter anymore since he is sitting with us, I sit beside Hermione while Draco sits beside me, Harry is right beside her looking at Draco while he is looking at the table. I felt like something is very off with these two but It seems like Its none of my business yet, I could tell Hermione felt the attention as well. I swear If you're trying to hide something from me do It better or not do It at all, " you know It's hard to eat when your two idiots are making It awkward" I say while looking at my juice. In the corner of my eyes, I see Harry look down with red ears while Draco mumbles, " thanks for pointing It out Pansy" Hermione whispers.  

I nod feeling my chest warm up at her response, I bite my lip after Draco slaps me on my arm, I finish my food and get up, " I'm going to class early, see you there" I say slipping away from the group. I walk in the quiet yet dark halls to class, " Pansy I never thought I would see the day you made friends with the Gryffindors" someone familiar says. I stop and look ahead " Blaise Its been a while," I say, a person comes from out of the shadows " It seems It has, hows the losers table," he says while raising his brow. I glare at him and take a step forward " just because one of them hurt you doesn't mean they're all bad" I say with venom, he steps forward and raises his hand at me. I look back at him with no reaction as my cheek burns from his contact, " you have no right to be saying anything about my past relationships, especially since I know what your doing" he says back with hatred in his eyes. 

I scoff at his reply and walk past him, " she will never feel the same, I'm just trying to warn you before Its too late" he says sincerely, I stop " I know but at least I get to be by her no matter how much It hurts" I say back. I walk in class and sit down in my seat beside Draco, writing notes about the potion test this Friday, I put my pencil down and glance at Hermione, seeing her read her book. I smile at her face while she reads, turning happy, determined and angry, It made my day to see her enjoying herself, " I didn't know that you were taking an extra test about Granger" Draco whispers near me. I look at him and roll my eyes, " I didn't know this was art class" I say while looking at his drawing of Potter, he slams his hand on the paper and mumbles about me being nosy. I look over at Potter to see him staring directly at Draco, hmm I wonder what's going on here, Potter notices me and looks down. 

I grab my stuff and head to muggle studies, I sit down and listen to the lecture about jobs in the muggle world, It is rather interesting to learn maybe I could go there one day. Ron won't be back until two weeks from his suspension, that's good for me now that I think of It. I get up and head to lunch with Draco right beside me " Draco I'm just gonna say this what's going on with you and Potter" I say, his breathing hitches and he stops. I look at him with confusion " let not talk here, let's go somewhere else" he says while speed walking into a room, I follow him and shut the door.                     

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