Chapter 7

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I turn around to see Draco pacing around while mumbling something about Potter, I walk over to him and slap him, " what the bloody h#ll, Pansy" he yells, I roll my eyes and sit down on a chair. He crosses his arms and sits in front of me, " so are you gonna tell me or am I just gonna listen to you mumble" I say annoyed. He huffs, " well since you've been busy with Hermione all the time, me and Harry been talking at the library in secret since he wanted to put everything behind us," he says, I nod. " Well, two days ago something happened in the library that I deeply regret," he says while relaxing, I nod again and sit up, " I may or may have not told him I liked him," he stutters. I sigh deeply, " what do you mean by that," I say back, he coughs embarrassed, " he asked who I liked and I said he's closer than ever. 

We were the only ones in the library besides the Liberian" he says, I facepalm and give him a look, " what happened after that" I say, he frowns and looks down, " he ran off" he says in a low voice. I get up from my seat and hug him, " hey I know that everything will be just fine, you never know, he could have run out embarrassed" I say, he squeezes me tighter " thanks for listening" he says back. I pat his back and get up, "I'm supposed to listen, I'm your friend idiot, now we're late for lunch lets just head to class so we have more time to talk" I say, he nods and we head to our fourth period. He sits next to me with a frown, I tap his shoulder and smile " hey how about we go to my room and party just the two of us" I say, he thinks about and nods, Draco avoids Potters glances and stares at his paper. I gaze at Potter and give him a small glare, I look back at the board and go back to writing notes, feeling Hermione stare at me makes me feel pressured as I work. 

I and Draco turn in our notes and leave not glancing at the two as we walk out, " so how are you and Hermione" Draco says, I cough and look at Draco " were good friends I think, well I did kinda get into a fight with Ron" I say. Draco eyes widen then lower, " is that why that the weasel isn't at school," Draco says, I nod " he won't be back in two weeks because he got suspended so I don't have to worry about him for a while," I say back.  Draco pats me on the back, " you better hope he doesn't find out because we all know he will not stop until she knows" he says, I sigh, I and Draco turn around when we heard a noise, I look to see no one. I ignore It and we speed walk to the girl's dorm, Draco shuts the door while I go to my chest, I pull out a bottle of whiskey and two glass cups " Pansy you brought those here, are you crazy " Draco says. I shrug and sit down " I need something to relieve my stress of working and my love problems," I say back, he shakes his head and sits on the chair, I pass him a glass.

I look over at Draco to see his cup is already gone, I pour him some more, I drink some of mine and look up " I got a question pansy" Draco says, I drink some more " whats the question" I say back. " Are you ever gonna tell her that you l- " oof" I hear, I sit up and look down, seeing Harry on the floor " what are you doing in here, wait how did you even get in here" I yell angry, Harry looks up embarrassed and sits up. Draco just keeps on drinking, " you guys didn't show at lunch and you came early to class without looking at us," Harry says, I glare at him " that doesn't mean you have to snoop. We were just talking about something in private, wait were you also spying on us after we left class" I say back, he nods and stands up, I look down and frown" your gonna tell her aren't you" I say. I grip my hand, " I'm not gonna tell Hermione, that's not my business but I'm surprised that you have a crush on her of all people" he says, I sigh and sit down, " you can leave now, we are having a pity party alone for a reason" Draco says. 

I look over at Draco to see him about to cry, " Draco wait I need to talk to you" Harry says, Draco puts down his glass and stands up " I'm not in the mood for talking" he says, I get up and walk over to Draco. I stand beside Draco and look at Harry " he's not gonna agree so you might as well just say It right now" I say, Harry, nods " Draco ever since you told me that you liked me. I was surprised and scared, I didn't know what to do since I like you as well, that's why I ran off" Harry says. I look over at Draco to see his eyes widened, " well this is awkward, how about you two discuss this somewhere more private" I say while walking to the door, " I'm gonna go to the library to return a book see ya later" I say. I walk in the library with shock still on my face as I head to the librarian, I put my book on the counter and head to muggle section, I stand there taking in everything that just happened. 

I exhale, " Pansy why are you ignoring me," she says, I wince as she gets closer, I look down avoiding contact " I'm not I was helping Draco with something," I say back, seeing her shoes in front of me. I take a step backward feeling too uncomfortable, " If you don't mind me asking, what did he need help with" she says, still avoiding eye contact I scratch my hair " It was something involving, Harry, and an incident" I say back. She sighs, " I swear If you don't look at me I'm gonna hex you," she says, I look at her to see her glaring at me, " they might tell you tomorrow what's going on," I say.                                   

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