Chapter 11

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Pansy pov

 I stare at my mirror while holding a bottle of alcohol, thank god for its Saturday but she left and I know she doesn't want to see me, the tears come back but faster, I wipe them away but they keep coming. Some knocks on my door, I ignore it and take a sip while looking at my lap, they just keep knocking I curse under my breath and get up, I open the door a little and peak seeing Blaise. He looks at me with a frown, I sigh and open the door, he comes in and shuts it, I sit back on my bed and take a sip, " you like crap" he says, I glare at him, " well you are crap" I reply back. He smiles and sits beside me, "don't hog the bottle" he says, I roll my eyes and pass it to him, " Pansy I'm so sorry, I saw the whole thing and didn't help you" he says, I nod no. I grit my teeth and wipe my eyes, " I'm kinda glad you didn't, I needed some time alone" I say, I grab the bottle and chug some down, he pats my back and sighs. I drop the empty bottle and wipe my eyes again, " so was I pathetic or not, give it to me straight" I say while getting up and opening my trunk, " you weren't pathetic I was actually touched by your words" he says. 

I laugh and grab another bottle, " I don't like pitty" I say back, I sit back on my bed and lean on the wall, " I wasn't kidding" he says back, I smirk and open the bottle,  " well you thought not her" I say.  I take a sip and pass it to him, he grabs it and smirks at me, " I know it hurts, I felt the same way when he cheated on me, but I had fun to keep him off my mind and make me happy" he says. I raise my brow and he grins, "let's go out in the town" he says, I give a small smile and nod, " that's the spirit, go fix your hair and makeup" he says, I nod and head to the bathroom, I come back out to see a portal. I walk up beside him and we walk in,   

Harry pov

I get out of bed and head over to Hermione's door, I knock and she opens it, " so did you have fun last night" I say, she looks back at me doubt, " what did something happen" I say worrying. Hermione opens the door and I come in, she sits beside me and sighs," Pansy told me she likes me" she says, I'm proud she went through with it, " what did you say back" I say curiously. She sighs and looks down, " I said I didn't feel the same and that I didn't want to see her for awhile," she says back, I frown sigh, " oh," I say back. She looks at me with suspicion, " did you already know about this" she says, I look away in fear, " I didn't set you up but we did tell her to express her feelings, I guess she was right"  I say back. I sigh and get up, " well good for you, I'm glad you let her down gently, I got to go," I say, I walk out the door and head to Draco dorm, he opens it and smiles. 

I walk past him and lay on his bed, "  I haven't woke up Pansy yet, you wanna come with me" he says putting his shoes on, I grab his shoulder and no, " why is something wrong" he says looking at me with caution. I pat beside me, he gets up and sits there, " she got rejected Hermione told me what happened" I say still frowning, he gets and opens the door, " Draco what are you doing" I say. He looks at me with a frown, " Pansy's my best friend and I don't leave people when there at most vulnerable, she helped you with me, so I'm gonna help her feel better" he says, he walks down the stairs. I follow him, he knocks on the door only to for it open, he looks around and runs to the bathroom, I look on the floor to the alcohol beverage, " Draco shes probably with someone right now" I say. He runs over to me, " who would she be with besides me" he says clearly mad, I sigh and think, maybe I mean he doesn't talk about him much, " she'll tell us when she gets here" I say. 

He sighs in frustration and follows me back to his room, he shuts his door mumbling, I sit on his bed as he hugs me, " Draco calm down, she'll be back" I say while playing with his hair.    

Pansy pov

I grab her cheek pulling her closer, she shivers under my touch and I smirk biting her lip, I slip my tongue in her mouth as she stays still, I pull back still smirking watching the Ravenclaw look dazed. Blaise sticks his thumb up and drinks, I grab her hand and we walk to the bathroom, I push her against the wall kissing her, she wraps her arms around me and moans. I roam my hands around her body, she pulls me closer for warmth and desire, I move my hand past her underwear and tease her. I kiss her neck, she moans again and moves her hips, " please" she mutters, I smirk and push into her, she gasps and bites my neck as I keep going back in forth, she bites harder. She mewls loud and lets go of my neck, I pull my hand back and she falls on me, she moves back looking flustered, " see you, maybe when we see each other again you might get more" I say. 

I walk out the doors and sit beside Blaise while wiping my hand off with a napkin, " so how did it go" he says smirking, I put the napkin down, " it went well, she was light-headed after I got done with her" I say. He pats me on the back and orders round for me,  " that's my girl, I'm proud" he says passing me butterbeer, I smile and take a sip, I like this feeling, freedom, and confidence, no more pain just old memories. I chug the rest down and order another, I look to my right to see a scared lonely Hufflepuff, I drink some and walk over there, " hello there are you alright' I say, she looks at me and shivers. I give her a friendly smile and she gives me a light smile, " I'm fine, my friends just abandon me for their dates" she says, I frown and pat her back, " well let's have fun of our very own" I say. Her face flushes and she nods, I grab her hand and take her to the bathroom. 

I look at her to see shes sleeping on me, I pull her skirt up and fix her shirt,  I look at her adorable face and smile, " wake up Leah, I think your friends are looking for you" I say, she mumbles and opens her eyes. Her face flushes and she gets off me, " t-hanks for showing me fun things, bye" she says running out, I look at the mirror and smirk, I fix my tie and walk out, " wow Pansy two on your first day, I'm impressed" Blaise says. I scoff and punch him, " thanks for being there for me," I say, he smiles and hugs me, " I will always be here, you're my family," he says, I hug him back,"  lets gets some candy, I'm in the mood for sweats" I say. He laughs and we head to the candy shop. 

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