Chapter 10

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It's Friday ( 3:12) and the Yule Ball starts at 7, Draco is panicking in my room while I'm having a crisis with my dress wear, " What if he doesn't like the suit I got him, what if it isn't his size I could have got the size wrong" Draco says pacing around. I 'm sitting on the floor looking at what heals I should wear tomorrow, " Draco do you think I need a necklace with my dress or no" I say looking to my right glancing at the jewelry. Draco mumbles and sits down, " figure out your heels first, Pansy should I have my hair to the side or no," he says, I sigh and lay on the floor. Draco does the same, " the side" I say stretching, he groans and sits up, " yes, a silver necklace with a gem in the middle" he says, sliver necklace got it. I sit up and look at my jewelry, " did you ask Hermione to the Yule ball" he asks,  I flinch and bite my lip, " she asked me but yes" I say back. 

I grab the silver necklace with an emerald in it and black heels with my black dress that stops at my knees, I put them beside my dress and look at Draco. " what are you fretting about now" I say. He blinks his eyes and looks at me, " when are you going to tell her at the yule ball" he says, I freeze and look at the ground, " when the times right Draco" I say back, someone knocks on the door. Making me get up, I go to the door and open it, " sorry for interrupting you two but can we come in" Harry says, I nod and move to the side, Harry sits beside Draco while Hermione sits on my bed. I shut the door, I grab my dress, heels, and necklace putting them on my desk, I sit on my chair and look over at Draco for help, "  not to be rude but why are you guys here" Draco says. I facepalm, " we were bored, so we thought we could hang out before the dance," Harry says, Draco looks at me and looks at the space beside him, I get up and sit beside him, " how about we play truth or dare," Draco says. 

Hermione sits beside me and we nod, " Draco truth or dare" Harry asks Draco pats his knee, "truth" he says, Harry nods and mumbles, " tell us a funny story" he says, Draco looks at me and smirks. I'm gonna kill him if he, " this one time when I and Pansy were hanging out at my manor, I dared her to dance crazy when she did my parents came in to check on us. They saw and slowly closed the door, Pansy looked like someone went and sprayed red paint on her face when she had to go home she didn't look at my parents when she left" Draco says laughing. Everyone but I started laughing, I look at the floor embarrassed and angry, " Pansy truth or dare" Draco says, I grit my teeth, " truth" I say. Draco snickers, " what is your biggest turn-on, " Draco says, I groan and grip my right hand, " licking my neck," I say, Draco laughs and I flip him off, " I hate you, I really hate you," I say. 

Everyone laughs but I again, I sigh and turn to Hermione, " truth or dare" I say, she looks at me and narrows her eyes, " dare" she says, " you have to let me write something on your face and you can't look at it I say. I grab a marker and crawl up to her, I grab her chin and write Pansy's property on her forehead, I move and smirk at her, the boys start laughing and she glares at me, " truth or dare  Harry" she asks. Harry shivers at her glare, " dare" he says, she looks at me and walks over to Harry, she whispers something in his ear and moves back to her spot, he walks over to me and grabs the maker. He grabs my face and writes on my cheek, he moves back and sits in his spot, " you can look but you can't take it off until the game ends" she says laughing. Draco laughs as well as Harry. I bring out my makeup mirror and look at my reflection, I love muggles it says, I only like a certain muggle, I close it and smile," yes I do" I say, she looks at me but I look at Harry. 

Harry smirks at Draco, " truth or dare" he says, Draco gulps, " dare" he says nervously, Harry smiles, " I dare you to dance for eighteen seconds" he says, I snicker at Draco and he groans. He gets up and starts dancing while moving his hands, we all start laughing at Draco while groans counting the time in his head, he sits down and glares at Harry moving two feet away from him. He looks at me and grins, " truth or dare, Pansy" Draco, I shiver at his tone and play with my hands, " dare" I say ending regretting it afterward, " I dare you to sit in Hermione lap" he says. I grit my teeth and flip Draco off, " you know we're both wearing skirts, you idiot " I say, his smirk drops then smile, " use your robe and put it on your lap" he says. He had to have a brain, I take off my robe and sit in her lap putting the robe on my lap while glaring at Draco, " truth or dare Hermione" I say still glaring Draco. 

He sticks out his tongue, " dare" she says, I smirk at him, " I dare you to smack Draco" I say, his eyes widen, I get off her lap and she walks over to him, a loud smack could be heard echoing around the room. She sits back down and I sit on her lap putting the robe on my lap again, I look at Draco's cheek to see a large red handprint, we all laugh at him well he rubs his cheek, " you were asking for it Draco" I say. Harrys nods, I look at my clock and jump up, " holy Salazar look at the time, we have forty minutes till the Yule Bal starts" I yell, everyone, jumps up, " Merlin, I'll see you at the entrance " Hermione says running out the room with the rest. I could hear Draco run all the way to his dorm in panic, I smile and get ready, I look in the mirror applying my lipstick, I put my mirror away and get up. 

Draco comes up the stairs from hearing his slacks against it, he bangs on my door making me roll my eyes and get up, I open the door seeing Draco looking more mature, " Pansy you stunning if I say so myself" he says. I laugh and punch him in the shoulder, " you don't look bad yourself, let's get going we don't have all day" I say, we walk to the entrance and Dracos mouth goes down while my eyes widen. Harry and Hermione were standing at the entrance waiting, I look away and cough, they turn and look at us, " h-hey guys" Draco stutters, I mentally facepalm still looking away. Draco nudges me and walks up to Harry, I hate him so much, she smiles at me making me even more flustered, I sigh and grab her hand pulling her inside with the boys following us. We head to over to tables and grab some wine while the boys grab butterbeer, we walk in a corner and start talking, " Pansy remember that time when we ran in the garden at night" Draco says. 

I chuckle and nod, "  I remember we were running from an angry goblin, I remember you screaming while I laughed because you kept on tripping," I say, we all laugh and sigh. Draco smiles and hugs Harry, " I remember this one time I and Hermione saw you guys dancing in the halls with your eyes closed, what was up with that" Harry says. I look away embarrassed while scratches his neck, " um we drunk a little bit too much that night, sometimes that would happen if we drank" Draco says. I sigh, " explain why I saw you and Hermione running in the castle at clear dawn when I was getting a snack," I say, Harry, laughs, " you saw that, I thought we were alone, well were raiding the kitchen. When we heard something crash in the kitchen it appeared to be a broken plate I accidentally knocked off, we ran because we heard footsteps" Harry says, Draco and I laugh, " I'm so sorry that might have been me, who ran " Draco says. 

We all start laughing once again, I take a sip of my wine and smile Draco, he nods and grabs Harry's hand, "let's go get some more butterbeer, Harry" he says while winking at me, I watch them and go. I got this, " hey Hermione you wanna go to the garden for a bit" I say, she nods and we walk in the garden entrance, I watch her gaze at the plants and touch them, I smile and bite my lip. I exhale and walk up to her, " Hermione I n-need to tell you something" I stutter, she turns around and nods, " I've have feelings for you that causes me to desire you, what I'm saying is that I love you" I say. Her eyes widen and she plays with her glass, " so that's why Blaise said that, I'm sorry but I don't feel the same find someone who does, I think we shouldn't talk for a while I have to go" she says. She walks off leaving me alone, I smirk and chug my wine, I knew it, I make a portal to my room, I walk in and close the portal, I lock my door and sit on my bed. 

I grab a bottle of alcohol and pop it open, I drink while watching the sky, I suddenly feel tears going down my face, I ignore it and drink faster while they try to catch up," I should have known, I was wrong" I say.                                              

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