-Chapter 4: The Daughter-

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Alexander chuckled nervously as he lifted his eyebrows up just a bit. He gulped as he looked at me, fumbling with his hands as he did not know where to put them. He inhaled several times trying to say something but always decided to not speak to me. His children, except Liza and Phil, knew whom I was talking about. Philip even let his hair slide off his shoulder so he could stare at me. I could only stare intently at Alexander, keeping my lips slightly parted so I could answer any question that was about to be thrown at me. 

Eliza was the one who interrupted the silence when she came back with a freshly baked apple cake. "Sorry that there was no chair for you, dear," She sighed as she set the tray down, rubbing her eyes after she did. "You never show up, so we did not get 2 extra chairs," She mumbled as she sat down and grabbed the knife to cut the cake. "Who wants a slice?" She asked as she cut a piece of cake placed it on a plate. 

When she looked up, noticing that nobody had answered, she saw her husband completely frozen to his seat, becoming paler every second. "What's the matter with you? We have a guest," Eliza frowned as she set down the plate in front of Liza who grabbed her fork and attacked the confection. "Mom," Philip slowly whispered diverting his sight toward the left where no one sat. Eliza looked at her son. "Don't you dare be that rude, Philip. Haven't I taught you better than to mumble things and not to look at people as you conversate?" She lectured, folding her arms. 

Philip pointed at me very subtly which made Eliza almost faint. Like, how dare he point at someone, how rude. "Daughter of John Laurens," he whispered before coughing and hiding behind his curly hair again. 

Eliza gasped. (Le gasp)

"My goodness," She mumbled as she put her hand in front of her mouth. "Dear, are you-" I interrupted her. "Yes, I am. You seem much more responsive than your husband, ma'am," I said before leaning back and looking at Alexander who wouldn't even dare to look at me. "I've got questions regarding my father which I have to discuss with mister Hamilton," I explained. "Misses Hamilton, I thank you for the dinner you've made but I have to skip dessert so I can-" I stopped to glance at Alexander. "-Hopefully access the current situation at hand," 

Eliza looked at her husband. "Of course, you can talk in the living room. Close the door if you want privacy," Eliza offered as she fiddled with her index finger. "Thank you," I smiled. "Mister Hamilton," I said catching his attention. "Could we please have that discussion in the living room?" I asked. Alexander looked at Eliza who seemed to be as hesitant and reluctant. But he pressed his lips together and nodded. "O-Of course," He answered, standing up. 

I stood up as well. We walked to the living room and sat down on opposing sofas. Eliza brought tea and after she closed the door, only the clicking of my spoon could be heard as I stirred the tea in my cup. "Why are you here?" He asked making me look up. 

"Should be fairly obvious. Although, I did not plan to invade your household like this. I merely stumbled upon your son. Well, stumbled is quite a euphemism. He pushed me into the fountain by accident," I explained. "Yeah, sounds like my son," Alexander sighed. "But why now? What happened over there in the South?" Alexander asked, cocking his eyebrow before taking a sip of his tea.

"Well," I sighed and set my cup down. "My mother is getting back into the courting business and I'd rather not be present at such events. So I figured it'd be the perfect time to visit New York to get some answers about my father," I continued. "Not about your...Questionable relationship if you're wondering,"

"Oh, praise the infinite spirit! I literally saw you when you were a baby. Held you wayyy too many times for me to explain that to you without feeling extremely incommodious," Alexander sighed. "My lord, stop spitting out 10 dollar words and speak proper English, dude," I cringed before sipping from my tea again. 

"Right," He apologized. "I was wondering about...The night on the ship back home. You know, from Britain to America," I stated. "Oh, that's even worse," Alexander whined. "The royal child was on that ship amongst myself as I was born on that ship. Correct?" I asked, Alexander nodded.

"John was supposed to help on the mission to-" He gulped as he felt uneasy to talk about it. "-er...Kill the Queen. Martha was pregnant with you so she came along on the ship in case she'd give birth. When we were to leave, Martha fell into labor making it impossible for John to join. When I returned with the kid of the Queen, you were born," He explained. 

"Right, but that didn't really happen. Did it?" I asked as I cocked my eyebrow. Alexander looked unamused, to say the least. He folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Elizabeth Hamilton was also pregnant when you left. So that makes three children. Angelica Hamilton shouldn't have been born for another year. What happened to the third child?" I asked.

"If I was the child of Martha Laurens and Philip was the child of Elizabeth Hamilton, then what happened to the royal child?" 

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