Letter 4

148 7 0

11:11pm; October 1, 1984
Dear Ethan,
You hadn't come to school today

My heart is heavy

Tears never stop falling from my eyes thinking about you

Did you find someone else?

Did you replace me that quickly?

I can't keep living with questions running through my head

All. The. Time.

Have you ever thought about me?

At all

These past 9 months

Have you thought about me and how I feel once?

That day on the rooftop

Did you mean everything you said?

I can't stop thinking about you Ethan

Please, tell me what I did wrong

I tried to talk to you today

But you just walked away angrily

My heart picked up pace as I thought about what I might've done

But all I have treated you with in my entire life was love and affection Ethan

Where did I go wrong?

Good night

I love you

Always and forever


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