Letter 10

108 5 0

3:00am; October 31, 1984
Dear Ethan,
Why do I still love you Ethan?

What is it about you?

A more important question is

What is it about Melanie that you cant find in me?

That day at the carnival

I was playing one of the games and I won 15 tickets

And you came up to me impressed

I laughed at the face you were making and you looked at me confused

I told you it was only 15 tickets and you laughed

God, that laugh

You told me the most you've ever won was 4 tickets

I chuckled and you scratched the back of your neck, embarrassed

We talked after that

I recognized you from school

And I was hoping you recognized me too

Although I was a nobody

And I still am

I've been feeling very sick lately

My head is starting to hurt all the time

I've never experienced it before

But, why would you care

You have Melanie

I want you back to your old self Ethan

I love you

Always and forever


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