Letter 7

110 6 0

12:47am; October 12, 1984
Dear Ethan,
I've never felt like this

Today I had a free lesson so I decided to walk to the Study hall alone since you used to be the one I would walk with

I don't have any friends

Well, starting from today I don't

While I was walking I felt someone tug on my hand as they pulled me to the janitor's closet

I was going to scream from how scared I was until you covered my mouth

I felt relieved as it was you

You told me to not talk to you and to leave you alone, you looked sad but angry at the same time

I asked you why but you just told me to go with it and with that you left me there


I felt like I had nothing to live for anymore

I hate to say this

But I still love you Ethan

It kills me every time I say this cause I know you don't feel the same way

I love you Ethan

Always and forever


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