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Audrey's P.O.V

I looked at my watch as my breathing started to grow heavy. It was almost time to confront Ethan.

What if he says I was just a joke to him, and that he never really liked me?

I've always feared loving someone, because of this. I was a joke to everyone, all the damn time.

I looked at his freshly painted door as I hesitated to knock on it. My heart was racing, my mind full of thoughts about how he might treat me and what he might say.

My eyes filled with tears, getting more scared by the second, but I finally found the courage to knock.

I gulped the lump in my throat as I waited for someone to come and open it.

I swing back and forth on my heel, waiting for someone to open the door, but no one answered.

I tried knocking one more time, but before I could, Ethan swung the door open.

My heart fell to the pit of my stomach as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Hello" I said waving awkwardly.

He didn't reply. He let me in, but he just looked at me as if he was going to regret it.

"Ethan, I just need to ask you something and then I'll be outta here in no time" I said walking behind him to the living room.

"How many times have I told you not to talk to me anymore?" He said, his voice filled with hatred.

I sighed deeply as he plopped himself down the couch, I leaned against the wall.

"It doesn't matter Ethan just listen to me for once!" I managed to say as tears found its way down my cheek.

"What happened Ethan?" My voice broke.

"It doesn't matter-"

"Just tell me Ethan! I'll leave you alone I promise but just tell me" I cried.

He looked at me, guilt written all over his face. HiS hands rubbed his face aggressively, as he finally said it.

But all I could hear was mumbling.

"I c-can't hear you"

He looked at me as his eyes filled up with tears.

"I was starting to like you Audrey"

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