Letter 6

119 7 0

11:59pm; October 8, 1984
Dear Ethan,
Today wasn't like every other day

I walked to my locker, you were leaning on it

I had the biggest smile on my face thinking you would apologize

You looked at me and smiled

I internally jumped like a three year old

But you laughed

You laughed

At what?

I don't even know

Melanie came behind you and hugged you around your waist

She told me to stop looking at you when you walked down the hallways

She told me to take you off my mind since you're 'hers'

How is that possible?

How am I supposed to leave someone that fast?

Why don't you tell me ethan

The first second you treat me with respect and love

And the next thing I know

You just make fun of me

As if I don't have feelings

You hate me now.

Tell me how to hate you

Didn't you hate me in under such a short amount of time?


I've got news

I might never hate you

And it hurts

So much

It really does

But I love you Ethan

Always and forever


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