Letter 8

104 7 0

1:05am; October 18, 1984
Dear Ethan,
I can't take you off my mind

I saw Melanie in the hallway today

She looked at me disgusted

She walked up to me and pushed me against my locker harshly

She slapped me across the face, and now I have a bruise forming on the spot where she hit me

You watched as she did it

You looked mad at me

As if I deserved it

when she turned around to look at you

You smiled evilly at her

As if you've just accomplished your goal

She told me to get away from you

Like it wasn't the first time hearing that


Please, I'm begging you to tell me what I did wrong

I hate that I'm still hoping that you would write me back

I love you Ethan.

I still do surprisingly

Always and forever


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