Letter 5

117 8 0

11:30pm; October 4, 1984
Dear Ethan,
Another day has come,

But you haven't

The smile you would give me when you walked down the hallways of school a couple of months ago

God, it was everything to me

My heart would fall to the pit of my stomach and I wouldn't be able to catch my breath

The things you do to me.

A couple of days ago you were walking with another girl in your arms

You smiled heartily at something she had said

My mind filled with thoughts as I knew who it was you were caressing


She was the one both of us hated


She was cruel to me

How can you do this to me?

She bullied me throughout my life

Told me that I was worthless

That I had nothing to live for

And now you're with her?

What is it about her that you don't find in me?

Am I that ugly?

Am I that annoying?

Why do you hate me so much?

I hate myself for still loving you

I hate myself

I always have


I love you

No matter what

Always and forever


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