Letter 12

110 5 0

4:45 am; December 31, 1984
Dear Ethan,
I've decided to go to your house today and talk to you

Im scared though

But I have the courage now

I have a feeling that you might turn me down like every other time

But I feel strong now

It's like I finally found myself

I realized I should've loved myself with the love I gave you

My mind races with thought about what you might say

I hope the reason isn't that I was a dare


Ethan Grant Dolan

I love you

Always and forever,


Audrey's P.O.V

I folded the letter as I watched the workers walk in front of me in the middle of the street. I'm sat on a bench outside my home.

My heart races as I walk over to Ethan's house to drop off the letter.

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