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Audrey's P.O.V
**5 years later**
"Mom! Where is he?" Sophie, our 4 year old daughter, asked me tugging on the hem of my shirt.

"He's coming honey, just a second." I ran my fingers through her light brown hair as I kissed her forehead.

We waited at the reception of a fancy restaurant as we walked back and forth waiting for him.

Starting to become impatient, I picked Sophie up and took my purse ready to leave to my car, when Sophie screamed "Dad's here!"

I looked up at my husband as his beautiful brown hair and his big hazel eyes shown in the light.

"Grayson, why'd you take so long" I groaned at him.

"Were you gonna leave?" He asked, taking Sophie from my hands, kissing her cheek as he tickled her a bit.

He kissed my cheek then put Sophie down.

"Reservation for Dolan" Grayson said to the receptionist, who had her notepad in between her hands.

She found our name, smiled and later said 'follow me'.

We all went behind her, my eyes inspected the restaurant, it was really pretty.

We finally sat down as I heard Sophie squeal excited for the food.

"Hey gray?" I said looking up from the menu.
He hummed in response.

"Who were we going to meet up with today?" I asked and his eyes widened.

"I-uh" he scratched the back of his neck.

"You still haven't told me, please just tell me now since we're already here. Who is it?" I asked taking his hand in mine, smiling heartily at him.

"It's me, I'm the uninvited guest Audrey" I heard a voice. A voice I haven't heard in years.

I gulped the lump in my throat as I looked behind me and saw Ethan standing there.

"I came here to see my beautiful niece!" He said taking Sophie into his arms.

Oh wait, I haven't told you what happened these past five years. Well, let me explain.

After I had told Ethan I forgave him, Melanie came from out of his room to ask him about something when she found me there in Ethan's arms.

She looked at both of us shocked but then went to Ethan and slapped him across the face. I looked at her with wide eyes and told her not to do that and that it's my fault.

Melanie looked at me with disgust written all over her face when she asked Ethan the question.

The question that could've changed my life. Which is also the question where I could've spent the rest of my life with Ethan.

"Just choose Ethan! Me or that?" Melanie said pointing at me.

Then he looked at me and said "I'm sorry Audrey"

And that's when I realized, that Ethan never really loved me.

Grayson walked in and then realized everything that happened. He then opened the door widely for me to get the hell outta there.

After I had left Ethan's house, Grayson came following behind me and hugged me tightly saying that everything was going to be okay. After I had calmed down, just a little, Grayson and I walked and spoke about ourselves. I got to know Grayson more, and he did the same with me.

After that we went out almost everyday, he would remind me of Ethan at times, and it broke my heart when it did.

A year later, when we graduated, Grayson and I went to the same college in New York. And I'm guessing that's when it all started.

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