Two - Why so cold?

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Why so Cold?

[Author POV]
Y/n woke up to the light that coming in by the curtain. She yawned and widened her eyes

"Shit!" she cursed and look for a clock <8:42> "Taeyong!" she said as she dragged herself up of the bed and ran to Taeyong room. She was out of breathe at the moment and look surrounding to see no Taeyong

"If you wonder where is Taeyong. I send him to school already" Y/n flinched by the voice

"Thank you Jimin" she said and sigh in relief "I thought he's going to be late again and sorry if I'm making you trouble" i said and smiled to him.

He shook his head "You know that was apart of my job right. So take your sorry back because I don't need it. I'm doing what I am suppose to do only" He said while tapping her shoulder "I'll be in my room if you need anything" he added and walked away

'You changed Jimin. I miss the old you who always care about me.' Y/n thought while looking at Jimin's back. She shake her head when she realised what she was thinking 'You are Taehyung's Y/n! Stop with the thought of him.' she thought and went to her room

[Jimin POV]
It lie if I said that I have move on her. I do still have feelings toward her but I know she will never be mine. I look at her who cooking in the kitchen from far. I never changed myself but I had to pretend that you are nothing to me. It would be the last thing that Taehyung will hear from me. "I love Song Y/N"

A buzzed from my phone making me snapped out of my thoughts.

Can I ask for a favor?

Of course Tae

Ask Y/N to wear something nice and take her to the same place that I proposed her at 12. Btw I will fetch Taeyong today.

Noted 👌🏻 Consider it all settled

I sighed 'I can sense that he will surprise her later' I thought and approach y/n

"Hey" I said as I tapped her shoulder. She flinched at my action and tried to be fine by continuing her doings while humming to me "Dress up now"

I turned my head and gave him a confused look. He sighed "I need to take you somewhere so please just wear something nice. Unless you want to go out with that outfit" he said then walked away.

'What with the expression' I thought but just shrugged it off and clean the mess. I remembered that I am cooking lunch now

"JIMIN!" I shouted for him. Few seconds later, I heard a heavy and fast footsteps coming to my way. I was shocked to see Jimin look exhausted from running. I guess he was upstairs when I called for him

He look around the kitchen then look at me "What's going on?" he asked between his breath

"I want to ask are we going to be home during lunch or not because..." i paused myself and pointed my index at the stove. He look at me in disbelief

He pointed at the stove "You shouted my name for that?" he asked while rolling his eyes.

"Yeah" i said sarcastically "I don't want my cook become wasted. Jin oppa won't like it" i crossed my arm

(a/n I regret now for killing Jin in first book😂 I need him!!)

"Then eat it at night. It not like you are going to spend your time there until tomorrow" he said coldly and walked away

"Why are so cold toward me Jimin?" I mumbled and suddenly he stopped his trace. I closed my mouth realised that he might heard me.

"Be ready by 11"

I sighed in relief when he went upstairs "I guess he did not hear it. Yes. Hope so" I said and put the lid on the pot

[Jimin POV]
'I'm sorry but I had to' I thought


[Tae POV]
I feel so stressed right now. My men really a troublemaker. How can they being so careless and reveal their identity to a stranger. They just make my work become more harder. I have to give them money to keep their mouth shut. It not like I afraid of coups but I do not want my foe knows about my men identity. And I do not like to kill innocent people because y/n will not like it.

I went to my office and look at the time <3:27>. I guess I am going home early today. I smiled as Y/n visual appear in my thoughts.

I was pissed off when someone called me. I looked at the ID

ChimChim is calling you

I answered the called and shocked with what I just heard from the other line




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