Four - Razor

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[Author POV]
Jimin closed his eyes as his lips almost touch hers.

"Eomma" Taeyong voice make Jimin and Y/n quickly pulled away from each other as soon as they heard Taeyong's voice. Y/n turn her head back to see Taeyong who cutely rubbing his eyes then blinked it many times

"Yes honey?" she tried to speak calmly

"Have we arrived yet?"

"Yes honey. Come on" Y/n get off the car and open the door for Taeyong. Jimin sighed as he missed the kiss

'I should done that more fast' he thought and get off the car too

Y/n look at Jimin and he gave her a smile. Jimin unlock the front door for her. Taeyong was excited at the moment so he ran inside

"MY TOYYYY" his cuteness made Jimin and Y/n giggled.

Y/n was about to stepped in but Jimin stopped her by grabbing her wrist "I'm sorry. I should've control mys—" Jimin was interrupt when Y/n place her finger on his lips then shook her head

"It's okay. It our fault btw not yours only. My mistake is not stopping you from kissing me..." Y/n paused then look down making Jimin started to worry "... it just.... I missed being kiss... Tae... we barely kiss now" Jimin hold her arm

"Look at me" she did as she told to "For how long?"

Y/n sighed "Almost 4 months" tears were flowing on her cheeks now "I miss the old him. I'm sorry Jimin, I should not mention that in front of you but I do—" she was cut when Jimin peck on her lips

"Stop crying" he said as he wiped her tears with his thumb "This tears should not come from this beautiful eyes"

"Thank you Jimin. You're here by my side for me again when it supposed to be..." she sighed "I'll be in my room. Thank you for today"

I ran to toilet and locked myself in there. I looked for a razor and found it inside a mini drawer. I sat myself in bathtub and start cutting myself. I guess my old habits is coming back. Blood were flowing on my skins and fell on the floor. I smiled seeing the bloo

'Thank you for calming me' I thought while looking at the razor 'Without you, I won't feel this rel—'

My thought were interrupted when there a knock. I hold myself from making a voice

"I knew you're in there kitten"

By hearing that voice making me sigh 'I guess he heard me breathing'

"Kitten, I knew you in there. Please come out" he knocked again "Look. I'm so sorry. i'd forget about my surprise date for you" another knock "Kitten? Please answer me. If you do not want to speak, please at least make some noise. I need to you that you're fine in there" he added

I throw the razor without thinking. A metal sound hitting the floor can be heard

"What was that kitten? Metal? Tell me kitten! Open the fucking door now! I fucking swear, if you don't open the door, I'm kicking the door" his swore making me smiled

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