Sixteen - Jisoo & Jimin

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[Author POV]
"Oppa why you did this to us especially to Jimin?" Y/n asked while sobbing

Yoongi went to her and pulled her for a hug "That's the only reason to make your relationship with Taehyung become more stronger"

She pulled away from the hug and look at Yoongi "By removing Jimin from Bangtan?"

"I never have in thought to see him thrown out from Bangtan. But I know when the truth reveals, Jimin will be back to us. It's the only way to make Jimin backed off from your life. I never meant this but this is the only way to make him leave the mansion"

"Oppa, there is more methods that you can do but why you choose to make him look bad in Taehyung's eyes?" she said as she fidgeting her finger

"You won't understand y/n. Taehyung loves you so much and so did Jimin. But we all know that your love only belong to Taehyung not to Jimin. You could just say to Jimin to stop loving you instead of saying that you will give him a chance. You are making everyones' mission became more harder"

"I love Taehyung and you know it" she pouted

He stood up from the couch and when to one of his cabinet "I know but look at Jimin. He looked so different when you are around but he is back to normal character when you are gone. I do not want him to suddenly be a psychopath or yandere to have you in his arm" he said while sipping his tea

"Wait where did you get the tea? I didn't see it when you come in?"

"I placed it on the cabinet before I talk to you"

It was silence until Y/n broke it

"Should we tell Taehyung?" Yoongi immediately shook his head

"Don't. Let Jimin live by himself and far from you. I was informed that he's in Busan right now. I'll inform you when it's the right time"

[Author POV]Taehyung were greeted by Taeyong who happily play inside the mansion

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[Author POV]
Taehyung were greeted by Taeyong who happily play inside the mansion. He gave Taeyong a hug and look around the mansion "Where is your eomma?"

"With Little meowmeow" Taehyung chuckle by hearing the nickname.

He remembered the moment when he accidentally called Yoongi with the nickname. Making a history when a dreaded mafia was found having a fear toward his own man. Yoongi grabbed the closest sharp thing and throw it to Taehyung. Luckily he manage to dodge it. (please correct my english. 'dodge' soundsa not right to me but idk the correct word) But when Taeyong called him by that nickname, Yoongi just smile to him innocently. Starting from that day, he kept calling Yoong as Little meowmeow.

"You should stop call your uncle that name when you grow up" Taeyong nodded "Let's go and get your mother" He picked Taeyong up and look for y/n.

"Appa, eomma is inside little meowmeow room" Taehyung stopped his trace with wide eyes. He looked at Taeyong who busy playing with his toys.

'Kids never tell lies'

He walked to Yoongi's room and about to knock but the door open revealing y/n with puffy eyes. Taehyung let Taeyong down and pull y/n in his warm embrace.

"What did you do to her hyung?" Yoongi scratch back of his neck and smile awkwardly. Y/n pulled away from the hug and chuckled

"You worried for nothing Taetae" y/n smile to him. Taehyung give a serious look to her "We were talking about my back days. I missed Jin oppa like... so much" she saddens her voice. She supposed to lie but remembering Jin made her cry.

Taehyung saw her teary eyes and pull her for a comfort hug again.

'Why would you remember old days y/n when you know it's hurt for all of us' Taehyung's thought

Yoongi in other hands feel proud and sad at the same time. He proud that she know how to cover everything well but he is sad by the mention of his late hyung.

"Eomma?" Y/n quickly wipe her eyes before smiled to Taehyun

"Yes sweetheart?" Taeyong look at his mother with concern eyes

"Why are you crying?" Taehyung smiled as he saw how worried his son is. He felt so happy to see his son act like how he act towards y/n.

'My gene that were inside you functioned really well. You do sound like me son. I'm so proud of you. Your future love going to be so lucky to have you'

"I am not sweetheart. There's dust inside eomma's eyes" y/n shyly giggled and peck his forehead

[Jisoo POV]I have been helping him ever since he got kick out from Bangtan

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[Jisoo POV]
I have been helping him ever since he got kick out from Bangtan. It's been a month since he got kick out and been living with me. He lied to Yoongi that he went to Busan when the truth is he still in Seoul. His life are miserable now. He always drink alcohol and try to bang a stranger. I always there on time to stop him.

I must admit that I have fall in love with my own boss. He is not my boss now. I felt so stupid to fall for a boy that will never look at me the way he look at y/n.

(now you know who jisoo talk with in previous chapter)

Jimin💜 is calling you

I smiled seeing his id appear in my phone-screen "Hello"

"Y/nieeeeee. I miss you so much" i sighed heavily by hearing her name came out from his mouth "What tis much happeen to chimmy?" (a/n; Why this must happen to Jimin)

"Jimin, you drunk again"

A chuckled can be heard on other line which come from Jimin himself.

"Chichu b*tch. How you alwash there 4 me who it cuposh to be mine y/n" (a/n; Jisoo b*tch. Why you always there for me when it supposed to be my y/n)

"Pass your phone to anyone. Let me speak to that person to know your whereabouts"

"noPe *popped the 'p'* Chimmy not want" (a/n: No. Jimin don't want)

"You're speaking with wrong grammar Jimin. Let me know where are you now?" I lazily said

"everybody say lalala. say lalala"


What jimin did next was cute to me but I need to stop his childishness drunk mode "shell me shell me shell me shell me shel—"


"Why didn't you said it since beginning?"

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