Nineteen - Deadline of the Contract

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[Author POV]
Taehyung woke up by the sound of his phone that fell from his nightstand. He groaned and held out his hand to hug Y/n but he feel empty beside him. He opened his eyes and look around. It still dark outside so he looked at his clock

4:26 am

Where is she?

He sat up and looked for his phone. He sighed as he saw his phone on the floor

"This is the fifth times you fell" he tried to look for her in the toilet but no one in there. Before he turned the knob, someone else turn the knob before him

"OH F*CK! Taetae! You shocked me to death" she hit my chest while other hands rubbed her chest

"Where did you go?" I asked curiously

"I went to the kitchen, i'm thirsty." I nodded and she smirker "Miss me that much huh? Cannot bear sleeping without me now Kim Taehyung?"

"Stop teasing me kitten" she chuckled and pulled my wrist inside the room and use other hand to close the door.

"Let's sleep" I nodded and lay on the bed

If you only went to the kitchen, why did you smell like our car air freshener?

31 August 2019

They all were busy preparing for Jungkook birthday party. Taehyung suddenly remember about the contract and decide to talk about it. He told the guys that he want to have a talk with her so he asked their help in distract Taeyong from looking for his mother.

"Go Tae" Namjoon smile. He nodded and went for her.

"Can I have a serious talk with you?" that moment she knows what he want to talk about. She have been trying to avoid from him since morning but unfortunately he manage to talk to her

What if he want to divorce me?

"Let's go" he pulled her by wrist and went to their room. "Sit comfortably" Y/n nodded and sat on the couch while waiting for Taehyung to reach for the contract. Y/n start breath heavily as she saw the contract. The things that feared the most.

Little did she knows, Taehyung keep a lighter in his pocket.

"Is that what you want to talk about?" Y/n asked while pointing at the file. He nodded and sit beside her. He place the file on the table and hold her hands

"It's 31st August already and you know what it's mean right?" Y/n sighed and nodded "Now, what is your decision? Divorce or Stay?"

"What about you? Divorce or stay?" Taehyung chuckled darkly

Please stay with me kitten

"I have decided already so now I need to know your answer"





"Stay" he widened his eyes and look at her that are looking at their hands. Her grip on his hand tighten afraid with what his decision

"I'll stay too" she looked up meeting his eyes "I promised you that I will never leave you, kitten" tears are flowing on her cheeks. Taehyung let go of her hand to wipe her tears

"Thank you for staying with me" Taehyung shook his head

"No, thank you for staying" he hug her tightly "I don't know if I could ever live without you"

"Me too. I love you Taetae"

"I love you more Y/n. Now it's time to get rid of this rubbish" he let go of the hug and reach for a trash can. Y/n looked at his action carefully. He took out the lighter

"You kept that?" she look at him in disbelief

"I did. If you decide to have a divorce I will still burn this rubbish to make you stay with me forever" she chuckled and look at him who is burning the paper.

He place the lighter on the table and turn to Y/n who seem too focus with the burning paper.

"I love you y/n"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNGKOOK!" they all celebrated that happy moment until Jungkook bragged about Jimin in their conversation

"I hope Jimin hyung is with us now to celebrate my birthday and a fixed relationship of Tae hyung with y/n noona"

"Why did you mention his name? We don't need him anymore" Y/n gave Yoongi a looked making him sighed and speak.

"Taehyung, I have something to confess to you and to others"


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