Forteen - Tell Me

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[Author POV]
Taehyung woke y/n up in concern with what happen last night


Taehyung went back home and about to went to their room as usual. He stopped his trace when he heard a sob.He followed the voice and brought him to 'Moment of your life'.

Yoongi suggested the name because it a place where anybody can rest and have a silence or peace moment. It also a room he always go when he need to sleep.

'Who is it?'

Empty beer cans and wine bottles are on the coffee table. A strong alcohol can be smell by him too

"Who is there? If it that was you Jungkook, I'm going to chock you to death. How dare you drank all of this at one time" he closed the distance and peek over the coffee table to see y/n curled in a ball against the floor

"Kitten?" he hold you in his arm. You hide your face in his chest and cry "What's wrong?"

'I don't want you to know'

She look up to see his face then hug him again. The room filled with her sob and Taehyung could not bear to see her like this "Tell me Kim Y/n. Tell me"

She shook her head and keep sobbing. Taehyung sighed and let her cry on his chest for god knows how long.

After a while, she stop herself from crying and that moment Taehyung knows she fall asleep. He carried her in bridal style then took her to the closest bathroom. He place her in the bath tub and start to undressing her. Then he took the shower head and let the water it hit her body. She flinched but still sleeping.

"It cool" she mumbled and her hands try to get something.

'She must thought that she is on bed' Taehyung pulled her closer to him making she hug him. He carried her naked body and wipe it with a towel then wrapped a robe around her.

End of flashback

Taehyung shook her body but he get no response so he decided to...

"Okay okay I'm awake Taehyung. Stobb it. It ticklish" Taehyung smirked in satisfaction for tickling her. It her weakness.

"Who asked you to pretend sleep death with me. That is my little punishment for you"

"I will never win against you"

"But you win my heart kitten" y/n blushed and look away. He pulled her by chin "Don't hide that pretty face my dear Kim Y/n" with that she stared at him deeply

'Will it still be Kim Y/n this 31st August? What if he suddenly fell for someone else?' Y/n thought

Taehyung find himself in awkward moments and think he have said omething wrong. Or did he pissed y/n off?

Both of them brushed their thoughts away and smiled to each other "First smile that I saw as for today"

"But you did saw it before" he pouted cutely. She poked his cheeks

"That was smirk Mr. Kim. Not a smile" she giggled. Taehyung remember about last night and decided to ask her

"Why did you drunk last night?" Y/n look at him in shock "Wait don't tell me you forget that you were drunk last night"

"I did?"

"Yes you did y/n. Tell me what happen until you decide to drink?"

"I don't know maybe because I felt like I want to" she said and smiled like a idiot

"Then why are you crying last night?"

"That's because maybe I need you by my side at the moment. I missed you" she said and intertwined their hands

"Really?" she nodded with a pout "Then you have all of me now"

"I am now" she hugged him

'Thank god he buy it' Y/n thought

At the same time

'I thought you will tell me everything. I guess you do not believe in me already' Taehyung's thought


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