Ten - Divorce Me!

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[Author POV]


Taehyung smiled widely to his wife "Long time no see kitten" he opened his arm and wait for his wife to hug him like how he imagined. But instead of running excitedly while crying toward her husband, y/n ran to him while crying and

Slap him

Everyone gasped as they saw something that never they saw before "I hate you!" with that she walked upstairs and slammed the door creating a loud thud.

"What is going here? Jimin? Why did you betray me?" Jimin looked taken back making Taehyung smirk "Why? Shock that I know what has happen in this mansion when I'm not around?" Jimin looked at the guys who look down feeling guilty.

"Kim Tae—"

"You're lucky that she need you right now. Or else- you don't want to know what I will do to you"

'There won't be tomorrow if I did not do it now' Jimin's thought and grabbed Taehyung by his collar

Taehyung giggled "Now you dare to lay your dirty fingers on me"

"You're my closest friend but I think it is time for me to be honest with you. I LOVE Y/N *Taehyung chuckled* I won't let anyone make her cry again especially because of you"

"Finally you confessed. But did she love you?" Jimin's grip loose a bit as Taehyung said that "I guess it a no right? *Taehyung smirk* She love me Jimin. Just give her —"

"Shut the f*ck up! Just divorce her! Is it not enough for you to hurt her? Where were you this 3 months? Coma? Are you sure about that? Or you keep playing with different girls" with that Taehyung pushed Jimin harshly on the ground and grab him by collar


"So you did play with—" Jimin was cut by a punch on his face. "Coward *another punch* Bastard *punched* Weak *punch* Assh—"

"Enough!" Y/n screamed out of her lung. She ran toward the two guys and push Taehyung away. "Are you okay?" Taehyung felt like he was stabbed when she more care about Jimin than him who just woke up from coma. But it is not her fault because she did not know about it at all.

"I'm fine" Jimin gave her a sweet smile making her blushed. Jimin smirked at Taehyung and removed a strained of her hair.

'I guess he can make you blushing now' Taehyung's sighed and stood up. He grabbed y/n by wrist but she yank it away

"Do not touch me!" she warned but Taehyung did not hear it and tried to grab again <tried>

"Just f*cking follow me!" Taehyung shouted making her flinched. He grabbed her wrist <finally he did it>

"Did you just shout at me?" her sight are now getting blur "You never shout at me. LET ME GO!"

"I am not going to let you go. Come on" he pulled her forcedly toward upstairs. She tried to pulled her hand back but it was too hard for her

"I SAID LET ME GO YOU HOE! F*CKING DIVORCE ME NOW!" with that Taehyung stopped his trace making y/n bumped to his back. All the guys gasped again by her action. It was their second time gasping for today and that is all because of Y/n

"What did you said?"

"DIVORCE ME" she said confidently. A dark chuckled can be heard coming from Taehyung mouth. He turn around and let go of her wrist. She rubbed her wrist that are now red. With what Taehyung said after making everyone looked at him in disbelief. Tears were flowing on her cheeks

"I will

divorce you"


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I will publish next chapter if this chapter get 15-20 votes (level up)

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