Seven - Love

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[Tae POV]
I am so glad that my kitten is not mad at me anymore. It been a week since that incident. I always been busy from that day. I need to go to Spain for our new mission. I went there will all BTS except for Jimin. I asked him to stay at home take care of kitten and Yongyong. I trust him

[Author POV]Jimin saw y/n at the balcony and approached her

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[Author POV]
Jimin saw y/n at the balcony and approached her


Y/n flinched and turn around "WTH PARK JIMIN!!! I almost slip" y/n chuckled but it all faded when

"You know I won't let that happen"

Y/n smiled awkwardly "Yeah because you will be dead if Taehyung knows about that. There will be two funerals" she joked and laugh. Jimin get the jokes but it is not funny to him but he just go with the flow

"Ikr, I will be killed as he step in the house seeing you went to heaven leaving him and Taeyong here alone" they both laughed. Jimin suddenly open up a new topic

"Y/n *she looked at him in the eyes* what going on with us before?" Y/n gulped because she know what he meant by

"Before? What happen to us before?" she faked innocence

Jimin sighed I thought you will remember that evening

Jimin shook his head "Nevermind" Y/n sighed in relief

I love Tae! I love Tae! We had our recent sex before. Yeah I need Tae not Jimin

She lost in her thoughts until "Y/n *Jimin tapped her shoulder* what were you thinking?" she smiled and shook her head

"We should be going and fetch Taeyong" she walked away making Jimin smiled

She remembered. She look so confused with her own feelings. I need to make her choose me. I won't lose her... not again

"Eomma!" Taeyong ran to Y/n "I like someone" Jimin and Y/n looked shock at him

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"Eomma!" Taeyong ran to Y/n "I like someone" Jimin and Y/n looked shock at him

"Wha-what are you talking about Taeyong?"

"I have a crush on someone *he pointed to a little girl who around his age* She's cute right?"

"Hey! You still a kid Yongi. You shouldn't—"

"That is my boy *Jimin picked him up* I'll treat you an ice cream"


"Park Jimin" she gave 'wth are you doing' look to Jimin

"*Jimin keep walking* What is her name?"

Taeyong looked down shyly "I don't know *smile cutely*"

Y/n catch up on them then punched Jimin on the shoulder. She mouth 'You should not support him' and Jimin mouth 'I had to'. Y/n scoffed at him

"You should ask her tomorrow" Jimin received another punch on the same spotted "Aw"

"Eomma! Why are you hitting Uncle Jimin?"

"A big flirty bug was there" Taeyong started to panic "It's gone now" Taeyong sighed and rubbed his chest.

She looked at Jimin's face and he was smirking. Then he mouth 'How do you know I was big?'

"EWWWW" Y/n ran to the car making Jimin laughed at her. Taeyong in his arm was confused at the two eldest

Oldest people nowadays are weirder than kids nowadays Taeyong thoughts

Meanwhile in Spain

BTS are going to their mission location. "Did you check the cctv?" Jhope nodded at him

"Don't worry. Namjoon did checked on it already" Taehyung nodded "Jungkook *jk hummed* did you check our gun? *Jk nodded* Good"

"I hope our mission will go well" Taehyung said worriedly

"We will" Yoongi gave him a encouragement

"I don't feel really good today"

"We all will be fine. Do not worry to much. You need to comeback for Y/n and Taeyong. Remember this might be your last mission Tae. You'll spend more your time with your loves after this mission" Namjoon said making Taehyung nodded at him

"Let's do this"

"Let's do this"

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Times Skip

"I told you we can do it Tae. Now we should just wait for our flight" all the guys went to celebrate it. Taehyung made a call and told y/n about their victory.

There is a car coming toward Namjoon. "HYUNG!!" Taehyung ran toward Namjoon and get hit instead

"KIM TAEHYUNG!" all the guys approached him. Yoongi look at the plat and memories it

"We need to tell Y/n about this" Jungkook was about to take out his phone but was stopped when Taehyung grabbed his hand

"Don't. Do not tell her"

"Tae—" Namjoon was cut

"Send me to nearby hospital and let me be treat there. Promise me that you won't tell her hyungs, jungkook"

"But—" Namjoon got cut again

"Please hyung. Just tell her that I am going to have a little break from everything. But tell her that he still love her no matter what. I'm taking break from this cruel world. Please always send my love toward Taeyong and Y/n everyday" Taehyung eyes suddenly closed

"Kim Tae!!!"

They shake his body and started to panic. Yoongi checked on his pulse "It's still there. Let's take him to hospital now"

Times Skip

BTS were waiting for the surgery to be done. "I'm so scared hyung. What if he don't survi—"

"Cut it off Jungkook. He will be fine. We all know that he love y/n and Taeyong. He won't leave them, not like this" all of them nodded and sighed

Suddenly the emergency door were open revealing the doctor who treat Taehyung "I was told that you're the patient family right?"

"We are"

"He lost lots of blood just now. Luckily that we got a supplier for the blood or else we could not save him"

"So what is his condition now?"

"He is fine but he is in...

..coma right now"



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